"I listen, and I wed! She talks to me, in Devon, I've left Dorset, the world has led, Louis loves churches, she listens to God, she tells me holy stories, she walks, and says mountains, she birds, they're seagulls, she looks fossils, I write her, I write Jesus, she is sorrows, she is weeping, she's churches, I see weeping, Rebecca is beauties, she weeps lemons, I want churches, she sings, she writes devils, she's Jewish, the mountains!! (pj harvey quote) She walks thorugh moors and finds churches, she deplores, she says, no roots just wars, she was jewish, she is 22 now, and it's demons, I see Jesus, she eats, and says, Jewish, she's hats, I love berets, and woollen jackets, she stops bicycles and asks the time for lovers, she is 17, she loves turquoise, she drinks, she has villages, she sees wessex, she makes delirious, she makes lovers, she call Jewish, wears covers, I am lovers, she is dirty dogs, she wrote sexy pictures, she makes that girl delirous, she sings Jesus, we have Jewish, she looks at me like lovers, she is naughty sogs, I hear she makes bed, she kills lovers, she ate sisters, she looks at me through lovers, I'm under the covers, she says gosh! those black eyes will kill!! It's me, under covers, I feel lovers, she says gray is the wars and for the forties I'm lovers, I say 60's, but she says 1920's is covers, because she's Art Jesus, she loves lovers, jewish lovers, she wants 1920's Jesus, she says flappers are happers, but cocaine is bitches, I'm delerious, she's 13, she fight's Jesus, she says "I won't pray because I can't sing!" Then she sings Jesus, she buys NME, she's found my photo, I'm IN! She says (Thom Yorke) is beezels, because he is fog, she says I worship God, she is delerious, she knows coves, she wants cavern, she's messy, says wash your hair! she is Jesus! She says, I won't wash, she's been hit in the eye, big black, mummy wants her die, she fights lesbians, I looked at her and saw a broken eyes, it hurts I hit her because I said sex, she is fourteen, mam is nuts, she calls her ma because one book gave jesus, it's Irish, she's Irish fights, i want Irish, she lies like Jesus, no fight, the teacher is fear us; "Is this lesbians? Fight Jesus!" She gets drunk, she ate whiskey, I wanted her bed, she'll fight, she'll be free, she says forsakens, I want forsakens,...I'm sleeping..."

Polly says; "I'm in Heaven." "In America?" "No...lemming."
"Polly...I wore that in the War...Go."
Air Kiss. With smokes...
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