I know what the fat-man did. I know where Muhammed dead
He called Yahweh, and had nowhere, how to fall me, than he kicked, 'brutal bitch, I'll cry your gore.' It worked, he shouted out and they screamed, (remember time goes quicker there, in one earthly half hour...Men had to 'discuss'...She was brute? But Yawheh had nowhere to have her fall. Tell me...'
'She gave shaggy bitch.'
He screamed...'That woman is fights!! She's crying kill 'fair' dead!!' (I called hte 'famous' couple for help, because 'I think I fell to Hell. I can see me there, PLease Help. I can't reach the girls. Haha, I dont really care!'
They used force,
Father, Father, Father. Heeeeeeellllllllllll....they burst a thought, it was, 'oh fucking well...'
FUCK!!!!!!!! SHE sings bitch!!!!!!! FIRE!!!!!!!!!! The force was so sharp, they entered my head, I was still, laying in the bed, on my belly, in just a shirt and boxers, flying around christmas eves, with a knife, letting them see me in my shorts...to hit me, they roared; Fire in Hell...they heard; dead, they, clapped. I heard the fall, I can't remember who I stabbed, it was the fatman, stabbing didnt work, I didnt want it to happen...hazy...they say;
leave, leave,
hear truth.
'I have been killed.'
Someone wanked (??? my ??? is me, ) cross that out;
how I died.
Fear fall. Weep. Did I say fu god?? no.
They do it by screaming we're HATING!!!!!!!
God says SHEOL!!!!!!!
They cry I'm BITCH MAD!!!!!!
God said, afterwards, when I put some trousers, go
I know what this means.
It means become alone in father. like;
a monk.
He said; That way, you will reap Heaven."
It meant no women.
I walked downstairs, the god-joke was; I started talking to Mum, in Italian, explaining, cowl;
she was cool.
I wanted to know;
I said:
"I've married God." that was know.
I went back to bed.
I got a knee kicking me in the leg. I said go.
She said; the
Inspiration: thats the jerusalem prayer.
She said;
"You will have so much , you will make lots."
I said; "I hate men."
"No men, high. I was a woman, before they die, you are my. I love high..."
went to sleep
I know where Muhammed dead
By being a silly fool that thinks I make friends.
Crouching and Screaming
قبل 6 أعوام
هناك تعليق واحد:
you have good friends who love you...know this in your heart :-)
May we have Peace and Noel in the New Year
إرسال تعليق