Anyway here's some thing about ATZILUT, inbetween, hot gossip, we know the 4 worlds, but there is a special higher, it is called OT, ot is similar to, Look, it is a force-word...like, SOOK (heres where i always get confused, is someone playing with my mind? i get interuptions, alot...)Sook is forbidden, it means crook...the Atzilut is a 14th High...there are 96 Heavens, there are now, 49 worlds containing living beings, as humans....Azerberiah, (thats it) is the closest to HIM

We skipped WORLD, we atzilut, we are to kaim the LOWER! Become, hold on, 'you too lead'...

Florence is upset, and drunk, so she's just about to right a blog, she caught my sister and new mum friend, in a taxi, crying I 'SPEND' with grannies...so they were in fits, she's always, drunk, its new years eve, and I'll be on here til the next year...she used to paint;
"twee, little pictures..." I draw;
seethes a grannies voice; "sinful death. Hate." It's the demon-granny again!!!

Artists I'm studying are all generally 50th level; here; notes;
29th level = woe/crying create.
32 speak
9th level most popular, thinking of chart music ??
Pj (harvey) is 52, Thunder; I can reach 39th.
sicko; he is 28th speak, because they souled Fire fuck up; I'm 28th level, burned in higher.
MANNIE is 98th !!!! Lars, be Arabic.
52 in 11's
Lars can hit 63rd in music, if she ever dared go back to her guitar
Now i have to babysit, through the night. snores at 9;20
Why did I tell Florence NO? One Day, I even cried out;
"You're Fake!"

So, ATZILUT: 4 worlds, they are King...swords fell...Yetzah is DEATH, becasue the shells death...every light in man went fire...look at 'Issac Luria'....I knew I hit somehting inn the doodling, because I felt peace. It rains and rains, blue, in the highest...
highest levels to rreach are level 1000. this is elohim and alien tribes, the EZEKEL, are jewish,...we on earth soared to 500...
she's sleeping;

A dog bit its Mum's leg?? hahahaha. this looks hell, it's sweet...I am 91 throne. I tell them His...Luria was level 85....different catergories. I need lowest SEE.

Yes, I'm meeting a pop-star, it happens that that happens,

we spent four hours talking the rat people of Emelbert, I left her, and she spent 28 days with them, talking, squeaky...

Emelbert...do i include the trying to catch the dog pictures??
she thinks I HATE; "I, duhnooo...."

I said; your soul doesnt suit mine, I asked you, and it was too young, you said, not ready for you, you sounded younger than my soul, we dont match..."
Mine, isn't older, or, GOD! It's jumper!! My hands should look older. but i'm a killer. If old mean't talent.

she likes jews. she paints pictures, she uses a mixture of god and mog...she said:
"Muslims want me dead!!"

That dagobert stole my red velvet suit!! He's in purgatory, for being gross, and its ripped and covered in mud, lucky for him, I grow to 6ft 3...
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