الجمعة، 18 ديسمبر 2009


\Nicole was on Television, this morning...I couldn't watch. She looked ? weary I called her for a minute, just relaxing to words in music;

"HI, couldnt watch, you looked died,

Do you know we've been married for 2 weeks?

I saw Nanny Arna, in my dream, as I woke up. (Her Dutch great granny)

"We got silver 'alien' necklaces with sapphires,"

"Silver shaped like water, droplets....they flew in the air."

I loved the look, at 11.

Told Dad, "I have true love for a woman."

blushed and blushed, when she appeared on screen; soared.

He was well.

He nodded.
He said somehting good.

I forget.

Sister ate too much ice-scream.

I got shreiks for 'crunching apples'...chewing so quietly, I thought I could win a War.
Nicole knew death;

I looked at the guy, and thought;

"hey! " I think I look OKay!"

The teeth will die.

"Lars is dead, I have a lover, I wrote dead."

"Don't leave, Be Wife."

The baby is awful, so spoilt.

"What would you like in Heaven?' 1st time, I knowingly called.

"Mummy! Mummy! I WANT PRESENTS! I WANT PRESENTS!" (screams)

They want to murder.

I said; "You naughty child, you wont get presents, because I have no money, and you will be asleep anyway."

She growled;

"Why am I schlep?"

Shock. Nicole cried.

"You naughty baby, she won't go, she needs to leave, I want to go."

I heard, she loves;


"I said, Mummy is Lars. She loves God. She will let you sleep."

"I want to sleep, because we're in baddy."

She looks down, every time.

"I (heart) Hannah"----Mannie----

I don't love Hannah.

I go Coal. Remember,

"I went coal."

That means 1st time, she appeared I sank on my knees and my heart

burnt to a black nugget.

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