I've only been dating this Angel girl for weeks, and we have four other friends, we like to go clubbing in Angel skies, especially Jungle...then last night, am I on drugs??
I've called Ireland and England to light, to cry for Peace and the Hebrew...to become in souls...and then I listen in the garden to see if anything happens...they want to hear the King, so I send a bright white dove to them...for a moment they can't hear, and they are discussing the government with me, they believe they are;
fascist...that they think people like us, hearing angels and demons, are, just;
They send me back a dove, it's my pigheadedness...a middle blue and camouflage stained dove, which means, they cry war, and they have a silly sense of humour, silly Irish...and I think of the Kings, on the Heaven Throne...and then I sight Jesus, and that eye, is War-like too...And I've had an awful argument with every single one of my wives, that I want them to leave for not saving me from Demons...that, well, they will fall, to somewhere with the Hebrew, because, well, sometimes, when they marry me, they arrive in a world full of women, men can't get through that door...then I'm just sitting in the Indian girls room, looking at my wife, looking at my soul in her, an old man, a man with my face, but with thick white hair, better-looking, with a white beard...so, then, for half an hour, I am in silence...and then??
These Fears I have are a semblance of God, they mean that I fear God, that we are clearly going to die...that I fear Soul...
(But...now I'm thinking and calling the Angel girl in my bed...because I can hear her, from down below...help, me I'm bed...I call her, because I think my angel friends have been shoved down to Hell, to my
The Holiest Bed but I'm travelling in and out of time, so I say, let me see you, and her eyes turn dark blue...(but, I can't hear them) I hear;
"I'm pregnant..." The demon took her in Hell..."They filled..." They made her pregnant...then her eyes turn dark green, and quickly to turquoise...(dark blue; holy love...dark green; want Jesus/ true love...turquoise; blessed) I put my hand on her belly, and I think I hear it cackling, her belly is so big, she must have been there a long-time, and I think, I can make this demon baby disappear, and she will go back to her self...and so I make her go, then, I hear; Ai-wu has fallen...
Ami Nachman has fallen...
So, I pick a book from God's library...I flirt with this voice, even though it's mine
I need something to hold onto to...the book is black, and then blue, says;
? everything is well...but I'm speaking into the pillow..."filled"
I call upon Jews on Earth for help, I saw the demon claws in my hand in the garden, like I saw those claws in Hani...and she calls me, from her childhood, and she says, she can hear men calling her black, so I have to pray her safe, because she's jsut a child...so I spend that time, praying her away from it...
Now I can hear my cousin, doing what I call mizzening (like those Al Qeida nuts on TV...repeating the same word over and over...but I still believe he is sins, and I am slow...I am calling for help slow, so I give a rabbi a vision...he can hear, we are fucked...and I leap out back to the garden, to take on the demon, and I kill it, but ripping it apart, but I hear lots of cackling, and a few more female demons have jump out, and I am hanging through the door into heaven, and my cousin is still calling (as though he is trying to kill me, stopping my call...) then as I hear them leap...all is lost, I'm still in bed, "They won't get through (he hears) because the door is locked against evil...I know he'll let them through..." But I hear the leaping and my cousin screams "YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!" and so I stop fighting, and think, any which, whatever god do, be safe, I'm dead, HELP...
I can't hear my friends...I'm angry. I throw one pillow, showing the Jews from the war-times, the pillow is written with a white star, and another pillow goes to this generations of jews, and it's bright red...
I jump into a jewish woman's bed, a tall white orthodox woman I saw speeding through Leicester Square, one evening...
I'm confused. I said, today, I wont ever let anyone in Heaven cry...today, I will stop telling them I have a problem...
I'm confused because I won't listen...I'm upset, because no one will reply...the rabbi's screaming; Women are fucked!!!!!!!!! I hate to listen...so where's the rabbi? No-one is hearing me, and that thing king is crying War...someone must be arguing with me, because I accept the pregnancy,because that bed, is only for me, she got pregnant from jumping into the bed, I jump into the bed, with the woman still with me, now she is pregnant...I listen to her belly again;
I am mummy god...
so I call for friends again, are with her...
"She slept for two years (time speeds in Heaven, compared to Earth) and said; Love my baby..."
I'm upset, because it still casual, and now she's with child, and I am still going crazy, and I'll miss the birth...and then they say;
The baby is dead...
--- the baby is fine!!!!
Crouching and Screaming
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