الاثنين، 20 يوليو 2009

The Sick Child

My son Him, is the highest light, his skin and his soul are the brightest lightest blue...

I discovered I can't eat meat any more, because it was affecting my Heavenly Children...He was born in 2002 he flew from my belly, into the sky...I didn't know he would get ill...I didn't know that everything I do, affects my child...She said;

"If I hear him, crying...what can I do?"

I thought, take the light out, take out the light...and then I saw him...he was screaming and shaking, that they were VICE..this mean't people he met in Heaven, even there...I thought, I don't get like this, I just feel a little...ill...when they were younger it was vice..."You're looking at Him, too new..."
Before, when he was ill, she would only tell me, I was; Taken...
It's like a RAINBOW light, it's every colour, and we change colour quickly...

When I look at mum, we're high. She does it to me, I have no idea why I'm high, no idea why I feel low, it's because we're shared souls...

---There's another child, from the past, I call him a ghost child, because he's so solemn, we discuss, Yahweh, and he reads, he talk about David, he says; David had lots of men...I start to cry, he's standing there looking down, I cna't see him, but I can sense him, like he's fishing for tiny fish...---

---There's the children, I thought I made with the devil, El-ahrairah has light blue, and I see him in the mental hoospital grounds crying...the girls and the other boys have black adn dark red hair...I think they are demons, somehow the girl has learned the word "Dexy..." and she likes Harry Potter...I'm hiding in the toilets smoking, and a cow is telling them a story about dead cats...I start see-ing and making up all kinds of stories about being married to the devil...years later I discover they were mine, and are the blood of me, and (a mutant devil, called Machal)...a devil!! Because I'm being taken in my sleep!!---

---El-ahrairah is LOVE GOD...he is Abel, he appeared from your Holy Sleep...His mother is Machel, and she is light queen...who are the babies??

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