الجمعة، 24 يوليو 2009

Torah and Aliens

Yesterday, I sat in the gallery, which is showing 20 examples of my work...I met an artist from Barbados, got his number, he paints, african women, with children, pregnant womne, and primitive motifs....

Torah: I have a pack of cards in my hand, and call magic, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuppppppppp!!! 10 to the right, 8 to the left...everything I cna't hear, a difference in how the book is translated...value 90.17...makes a little story about you...take nine vowels off each sefer, hit 2090...write Talmud...8th letter, Cry Thee, 3rd paragraph...become love....(10minutesleft)...the 3rd stanza, has eight vowels...because...8th you wife/lovers/eight wives...(this is tiring)

Joseph and the Pharoah: Dreams:

ins hort, the fat cows, and the lean...the lean are following Louis, ideas of Hell, the fat are the renowned rabbi's, because they are wise, gather men, have wealth, the lean are insane, but they hear a truth (your ideas of Hell)

The corn...lots of corn for years...she has stored up writings, and prayers, gold, like songs, like ecclesiastes...the famine, give out the food, like little poems to songs...damn...it had two meanings Ive forgotten, YES! I'm DAMNED!!! that's my famine! but I can still see...talk through Joseph, Pharoah, says, She is my daughter, you know we have always cried we are the soul of God himself??!! She says she is a magical family...hebrews/someone..."She said, we are trying to kill the Elohim!!" No....pigs, I say nothign....(cont)

I told Vinder a story...how I am really a blue skinned alien, that the Chinese are the second tribe...that we love the Grubaschers( the hairy men because hair is the holiest.... that I can see, the Diatri all around us, they are in the library, they a re in our minds and bodies, they understand the UNiversal Language, that's how they make us sick...that I'm warned of a bomb, that the Amorelians are in America, FBI, that I'm wearing suits...that they arrived in Roswell, to save the world, and drove with their new McCarthy approved ID's and Passports, to New York, DC , Seattle...The TRIBE....the Irish!!! Save 13, 000 from (continiued)

I sent about 6 letters to the Kotel...I read PrimoLevi's short stories, and I'm abruptly, CLEANSED...and Primo is mirror-ing my life, and leaving me wise clues...

I'm a Dad...

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