I have a new wife, and
Nic has my baby. CHECK THE RECORDS!!!, here's the invisible recordbook of births that I run my finger across!
GABRIEL (ARIZAL) HAS SIRED------- lies lies llies
"Mother! How firey art thou loins!!!" shembaggo(surethingdeadpig)!!! bong off... say I plan a night.
say I didn't wake up on a good night. I'm giving up Islam, I don't like the Koran
then remember:
say 'that's me leading the picture and placing my hand on the book' I love them!
say one Shomer (sorry:bashert...foo!) out of two will kill her./../say she calls for Gabriel instead.
say we plan a night. and I dream a little bit of the night.
We have an apartment in London. My new wife lives with me in the basement, we wont touch, we'll touch, just cuddle. Nic is sleeping in the same building in a room in the attic. Well, my school friend and some orthodox girls are staying in the rest of the house. Bon! Shomme!
say I took the staff girl out and gave her 5000 pounds spending money.
say it's all Lars and Nic talking and talking.
Say I say
"What would you like to wear?"
A little diamond button that snips a white muggy tie, high lacy black collars, white petticoat or black, on dark layered long skirts.
Say Dolce and Gabbana is a hit in Heaven, but not so here.
"What about our hair colour? I'll wear Orthodox and I think I'll have pink and purple hair...I'll wear the check wool pink and purple long coat I wore in Jerusalem, with my pink cashmere jumper...."
My hair is the brightest white...even my eyes shine , like white diamonds...
Say my schoolfriend and I share vodka sitting close together on the sofa. say she annoys someone else, say the annoyed HATES...Say Nic is all talk. Say as soon as I get there and greet and introduce everyone, I disappear off to the attic.
Say I make it snow.
Say they remember...
and I'm back to german dreams.
say i'm,
bambello the tamborine
"Father we nay accept your hate of life. We think you are talk, tell us what has died..."
I saw my guys in Heaven, and I leave!
Last night, I took to the book, i don't know which book; this is best for me, it is an invisible book that I lead my finger across, I see the colours, the sparks when they jump on a hidden vowel, the laws that say whats what, the freedom, I've left talk!
I think we can prepare for a religious height/what would you call it? in
2016, will become hopefully, like the hippy movement of the 1960's
Crouching and Screaming
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