الأحد، 15 مارس 2009

Lead The Alternative World

So, I'm the leader;

of half the world

I join Islam, I can sing!

Get a reich command plane to Saudi Arabia, I see the uniforms, the uniforms stcuk, with twerks, they wear white emblems, the eight point star (eight lovers) and gold stars, and little swirly Hindu Om marks. I say:

"Will these men bring God??"

My wife sees, I swear to myself she has a much more knowing eye, holymen say I have eyes, my eyes are tragically wrong. She says;

She says they are through..."They killed...but they wanted to work, you've employed men who killed...Arabia will be light...I want you to love, love men who killed..." When I see dead.

We arrive in Arabia, to flying flags.

"Welcome Queen..."

Arabia sees my soul. It says sing-a-prayer. My heart swells for God.

"They forgive us for being German!!"

Russia is over. It's mine.

Herr Commandante ----- is ninth in command. He is in command, because he was a teenager who saw death and wanted God. There is a fatwa out for a man, he arrives in the rehab garden. I am dead. Forget the man. What did we do with the Jews?

I write 10, 000 books.


What did we do?

Northern Russia. Russia and Poland is in my town, in my newsagents, oh wow wow wow! I am fluent, the women are all Loves Yous!!

"We hear Lars..."


Every jew forgave her in God.

I greeted the Rebbe. He said:

"White Lady! Planet Jesus wants Light!! We will come with you!!"


My wife is Low: "Do you see they have Fell?"

"Do you vant or do I go?"

"She is so special to me, they never Love..."

"Why do I have to be reminded of unholy bed?"

"I feel sick...She had my baby, they want her dead..."

"Why is this woman special, she looks at you like dogs..."

"In England I am always killed...I am killed because I am sick world."

"The baby says you are poo, because Mummy killed..."

"They sought evil...they hate me..."

"Every time I hear a man talk, I feel so sick...why do they think I am Hitler dog?"


We arrived in PLanet Jesus with 10 men. He said; "Look Holy!" We stayed in the outskirts a main city. The Gershonites were calling Leven. The Holy Israelites saw every soul. We said, let the Levites go. Because the Levites were holdiung Holy World, it was dell...the Gershonites said "This is sick, Levites are sick...".??(/// wrong again, hard to think)

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