الجمعة، 20 فبراير 2009

Ze Sheet

begin: "Higheungehigh...for laver has burning of ze eyes in ze sun, this is in all probablity the hew of mon dieu, de palme allah Samp De Sin."

Hazallah, we have homosahcial Ashpinzin de crock, de zeene is Got. It vas burn ze eyes wiz ze power af zeek, ach dallah, we see, two prisonal me ("Incoming Incoming, going home!") amoure reise, my homocidal tendenices esign especk, nay the fault of mine, vether your wife is mine or allahs, or the second cousins of my God, I speculate, this burden is to the left, a wife...

Bad Sampe de Sin, a crock of the after-life is...

Many of us hated each other.

Back to work.

Ze sun ve see, is agmatically 35 minutes away from God, he creates! With von spick, an ach valour, the whitest light to test ze eyes. This vas my sin. Albur laughs, women shreik...

I have concluded that homocide...


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