The book about the Alternative Earth has been read only by Me, Mannie, a guy known as Hezoo, and Ava, a woman I first saw on a 1995 programme about the Holocaust, Ava is the woman who has got me, finally, out of The Styx...I don't just say Goodbye, when I don't want to talk, I slide all the way down...
I've been freed by Science.
70 pages of notes, and homework about Ions, atoms, protons, relativity, I am studying:
Quantum Physics.

Theories about Soul Particle and Light.
eg. This computer screen is known as 'Akon'. There are equations that keep the light of the soul safe from Akon.
I'm as far as Math GCSE, C...It takes some time for me to do simple adding
The science idea jumped out of Art sketching.
I'm making a series of posters of Pro-Jewish Propaganda. Orthodox, Anti-War.
The style is wartime Futuristic...I want, a little, to copy Tamara Lempicka's painting, she is known for large, unattractive/attractive portraits of rich people. Mine are smaller; I've done, two...;

The Alternative Earth book, will stay away from the public. There are 79 Angel books that explain Armageddon and the Takeover of Human Brain. Muhammadan rules have been rewritten, no Halal meat, only vegetables.
The Angels will cry soul from Heaven. The 79 books are the style of Revelations. Many men will appear to murder Light. They will be overcome.
Last night, a guy, appeared in my house, naked, I punched him, there are equations for spontaneous combustion, he was enveloped in fire, he fell to Hell, because he wanted sex, he appeared many times, each time, he was burnt by fire. Well...He was looking at a young Rehab staff girl for bed, he 'possessed' me, at first I thought; "What why am I wiggling in front of her?" and then I saw him, and so...as I walked into the corridor, I stabbed myself in the gut, the knife went through me, but it got him, I am calling this Justice...because thye kill me and they make everyone I love weep and scream...It's been three, yes! 3 three years I am;
"a revengeful slut!" a:
"&^*^ing bitch!!"
"She wants ^%&!"
I haven't seen this man for three years...and I want the next three years to myself, I want PEACE...I haven't complained to anyone (anyones; are; living in Heaven) for about 5 days now, like PARANOIA, don't call anyone down here!! I can hear sick men!!
And I have a book, I haven't been able to read for some years, a little bit of Dumas, two Pratchett books, and the start of William Golding's: 'boat books'...
RIMBAUD, biography, by Graham Robb.
(tunes on the ears-Senser State of Mind)
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