السبت، 23 أكتوبر 2010


I spent half an hour, thinking there would be an electrocution, because some one was calling me from her bath...to meet the Hairy Fat Cain...I remember my baths, when another FH Cain played this: White Rabbit-Jefferson Airplane...ha! then in a scene, next, a guy gets electrocuted by an overhanging light...Luck, Parallel dimensions, Death...

I sat there under a coat, rubbing the cats nose, ( Muezza the 3rd) and getting bitten, because she decided that tonight, eyeing the edge of my coat like it was a mouse, paws in front... and I felt someone cuddle me..

"No...no...wow...no...who is this?" safe warm light.

Anna..."There are all Anna..." I hear Anna, because, well, they're Anna...

"I have Lover's King..."

Well, wait. So I can keep electrocuting my feelings, until I'm confused and physically ill. Distraught. Mistakes, all so much a mistake, I think to myself I can't find a way back into a sensible //sensitive pattern, like managing speech...the other Anna, became true love, because we cuddled in fly...she stands in a room I leave, and sings, my paintings; are snuggly, cuddly, nice, pretty. I don't hate that, but I bring it Hate, because Love is low, a low light, that's been very much used up...so I low speech, and thinking of Aliens is soothing, because it's interesting news, it's a rest from this planet...it's amazing that I know things about another Galaxy, a Zeitgiest...I'm silly...then more genius- coo-inging over some kids painting...what; "The kids a retard, smoking, thank you yes, I listen..." Because the GREEN LIGHT was slow for me, and I need to ponder over the clashing golden eyes.

Well, God, you dont shout out, do you? when someone is calling me for bed. Someone shouted to a woman in the house...some women collapsed... 

I'm very confused...

Yes, this is gross, but I'm a bit berefit, of happiness at the moment, so why savour a cuddle, go to go,got to keep moving...It's mentally exhausting...I'm am getting very sick, I've been crying HELL, the guy is a gnome, you are human dogs, I think God just burnt my baby because I defied, I heard fire, someone poked me, a girl fell in Love with the wrong, creep, Im sitting back in a coffee shop laughing, I sing I'm pulling an angel into bed, cause she's sitting with demons, a turn makes a boy in Heaven, into a Zombie, I want every man to fight, or every man to die, I will Fall You...screaming...I'm waiting for the baby sister to arrive, I push her over...I die, I die, the kids still a zombie, the babies are dead...every man forgot to fight, leave me in Hell...the shopping centre call, suddenly Im Allah himself, I'm getting louder and louder, a nearby alarm stars, it's my screams, the drums are rolling, the loud low horn (shofar) begins, it pits down, it stops because, techinally without SOUL voice, I'm going to lose, I cant put together what I'm calling for...the horn stops, it just piffles away, it's silly, you are dead, I'm dead, the horn is real, I can't invent horns, they begin, they forget...then I call that voice again;

calling family, the babies are dead, the babies are dead...

"I do not kill Holy married, I do not kill Eternal Life."
slight misquote.
then I'm back with humans, asking these humans, snogging teenagers, reds...something about reds...then worse, I do things through time, I let out fireballs from my fingers, that's why I heard fire, but I heard a girl I called, a relative in Heaven, try to source my head, my mind, while I'm dizzy in the aisles, dead, dead, and she dies, because I voice her to speak what I say, by accident, why do I get a poke, in the shopping centre? I just want


you dont want to know why, still fighting Hell, it looks like they got life... being forgiven ...well, I'm dancing.

But I'm still very dead.

(radio- Cream; White Room)

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