الاثنين، 24 مايو 2010

Sink Kitchen

checked Nan's diary, and her eyes, eyebrows and nose, we took her to the pub, chinese eyes, arabic eyebrows, hebrew nose. s'well...

"Anboo, came here and slept over, left the TV on all night..."

"Bastard! Who is this? Which one? Where is there another Anboo?""

Edna found out we were dead;

"Oh God, Nan, he was calling Lucifer!"

buzzy buzzy noises, not the television, demon bees buzzy buzzing in his soul. He got dumped by a girl that he got, with his weedly weedling tentacles. I decided I knew what he was doing, because I too had to hide in the flat, in the granny complex, to get some light...this was because I started hearing the Devil, "...and it's girlfriend," in Mum's house, It was getting heavy, the Thing, said in my walls, I started calling Satan the 'Emperor, a Roman man,' I walked round town, trying to find help, when it appeared in the house, I had to move the Kid, into Mum's room, away from Hell...I woke up one day, knowing I was fluent in Hebrew, and I spent the whole night, in the lower bunk-bed, practising conversations out loud, I also tried Gaelic...I got into trouble, I was talking too loudly all night, the news I got was that I would soon be locked away, i wanted to kill the old doctor, I fought, I heard he died, a heart-attack...

Well, I had to go to Nanny's house for Help. It began with a giant claw, shaking my skull, as I walked in the bathroom to look into the mirror, suddenly a hole looked cut out of my wrist, ad the blood started leaving, when I blessed a bowl of water, I sank my arm into it, but there started appearing red scars on my wrist...I thought down, I dated strange girls, I told them what what happening...things got worse, I walked round the block, as though I was on an acid trip, colours were dark and shifting, my soul looked like a shadow...the family left the house, to go on holiday. I called an Australian girl, I had met in Camden. I was lying now, on the mattress on the floor, in the middle of the room, I left sticky bowls of cornflakes everywhere, which were used as ashtrays, I started burning holes in the mattress...as I was talking to the girl, I heard a long whiny scream, I was laying down, and suddenly the monster jumped on my body and sucked out neon blue light, then flew away, it ahd taken divine light for power, I sang, it's OK, OK...I picked up the wood-links on the bunk bed, and moved them until the bunk above was in a mess, there was a bible, on the slats on the lower bunk. Trouble.

I spent one whole day into the night, watching the bible, (because I couldn't sleep, I would sleep in Hell) I heard chanting from Hell, an army of men, crying:


I couldn't go to the bible and pick it up, I couldn't got to the space around it. Because:

"The demonic men in the book, will come alive, and kill..." The bible staring put Satan in quiet...It was hating and getting weak. I read to a plane above, at the worse, it was crying in my head, "Eternal Flame."

I read a line from the gospel...

"Hear Thee O Israel and the Gentiles..." They laughed. I read and read the same line, crying for light, I rocked.

Images were silly, there were fireballs shooting down from the sun at me as I walked...One day, I sat by a full bath, I couldn't show my skin to Hell, I sat by it until Anbo appeared, and a throbbing red and black heart shot through me and became buried in my chest, his soul left him, because he spotted a woman in the bath, and he jumped on her...

One night, I went to an Angel, he said:

"...Cry Love Forever." I was weak, I was wilting before him, I was eating little bits of my cornflakes , I heard:

"Never Eat Again, Never touch Drink." I had disrespected an Angel.

I had to go to Nan's for help. For prayers. She got out a phial, of what she called holy water, It looked dirty. I rubbed it on my chest, over my heart. Then a light shone from my heart, but, it was bright red anger...I ran to her toilet, to call Jesus...weak...

Satan was speaking on the TV, I thought, "You can hear it, and you're calm," She started dying, I said:

"I love you, and I will overcome. It won't hurt you. Be Peace."

When it was bed-time, I lay on the sofa, I saw disgusting images of death...I pleaded with Nanny to pray. Suddenly a golden light leapt from me and span into her bedroom...

"I'm dead! Dead!!"

I stayed cool, I whispered on the tiny sofa. The I saw;

A boat going through a river, surrounded by bamboo trees, and then, me dancing and cuddling a woman...that gave me sleep. Nan had saved.

He get sick, and it's clicky little chuckling...

"So, did he know this? Did he call the devil to me?"

"He was thinking, 'we die''"

"Then he said, 'Hell'...and then I threw, I threw you out to bite. You sang 'Height' and he choked. Screeched..."

"I threw Satan out..."

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