الثلاثاء، 18 مايو 2010

Not Speaking

I want call back.

We've made up the idea of an alternative world...we learnt the 'new dimension'..it's human, it's a little coloured in scene, it's where Humans, can live.

You cant live in my toilet, in my bathroom, I live in silver. The toilet is dark, the tiles, are kneeled on, there is a girl speaking in the walls, there in the toilet, I am God.

I wear a silver crown wrapped around my forehead, and robes of dark blue, with silver embroidery.

The 'dimension', we had discovered, is where you can'


You can be human.

You can't be near girls.

We lost the Halo's.

Halos fell to the 'dimension', because of sins, forgiven sins.

No-one dies in silver.

We tried to know well. But we had to ask God. there is no God in SILVER, except your Love.

This God, let me rest in His lap. Then he said;

Get back to mind, put dreams in your skull, inside your mind.

One Wife. I was trapped with a loving woman in a film inside my mind,

together forever in bed.

I died because I knew Satan.

This God locked me inside this room forever...

The woman turned yellow. I ran to the bathroom that turned SILVER, because I wasnt prepared to die like that, I wanted to find God inside me...AND this happened, what appeared was the crown, and the silver lights and a girls voice. An ancient girl...after I had said,

I defy Him, I believe in Life, he has me killed, I worry about this......I must see God differently, that voice wasnt God.

I wouldnt listen to the girl, it was sweet and sorrowful, but the words didn't mena much to me, I just needed that voice.

"God will end the Hate, end the Dream." "I won't cry to Him, anymore, this woman ruled our consciousness, death of love...."

I mumbled, the words I mumbled were odd.

I said: Hosannah, Lift the Hell."

"bringeth Light."

"First stone turn."

Purity. Silver, purity...I was soul , they fell...I saw Paradise,

There are 3 of us, going to Heaven. The rest go to a place;


Allah Hell.

"I' s gut fer human."

The 5th dimension, is secular, cellualar, it has hate, spiritual, spiritual peace.

I had sex.

In Silver, I can be a boy with silver clothes and fowers in my hair, sometimes I might forget a shirt, and I'll be particularily 'odd', but very young, but I won't have sex, I will kiss, and I will spin, and I will mumble, and I will crouch on my knees, and I will converse with flowers.

Let the human rest:

We learnt there was a 5th dimension, but what did we say it was?

The Dimension: (I will go into this!)

It's a secular world. It has, a part of luck...It creates a prsion snetence in men, they create in Holy, what they expect. This can be God as a woman, God as an Elephant, we all worshi9p a different God...it's pleading...and then defying...punishment:

Punishment, that is the holy evil...

That 'trick' was punishment, it was unfair. It was death of life. It held another soul, not mine, the woman's, it killed that woman.

IN 5th's we see how they hate. Slippery hell colours, cartoon colours like dull red, deep yellow, creamy white...they make things, colours are soul and sin.

I made a 'bitch'.

In the silver toilet, I was with a friend, but we didn't want to make love, we were Love. We were young and sacred.

Damn me, I called Silver; 'Ireland.'

You; go to America.

We could see the 5th had Helled. We were silent.

I had finally appeared in Heaven.

Little things are like flesh, the writing of notes, is like flesh. The habits are disgusting. The respect is like a game, a game of 'ping-pong. "I don't now, no not now. OK. " I dont need to show respect today. Ok. The talk is always the SAME, and when it is different, it's wired different, it goes in men to disgusting...

I dont see: "Sexy Boots" in Ireland.


I have God in Ireland, I dont need to call God, just live in God.

----- serious----

"Abay." the talk might have been hebrew. The turning of the stones is real. My soul is real. These new words I began to call out.

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