الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2009

Schreechi8ng bing

is there any reason for me being here? Well...I was saved from the fire...because I could remember Ave dancing, dressed in his robes and long hair, head down arms in the air...the time we had an 8 day ancient israeli party and heard Sanskritt God...

It's my face.

My face shines bright white.

Where's Mum and Dad?

They are both sitting opposite me, in a silver limosine...I have a scooter, it's black and silver, and there's a ram's head on the front...little turn controls...because they will be dead.

the shrieking was at Nanny Flo...a hundred messages, when;

"I was trying to enjoy myself, in America!" so i did the fauning;

a hundred messages about locking up, Cos, or at least making him see a doctor, physciatrist, even a philogologist

I'm a paleontologist. I took grand canyon dinosaurs, because I like to dig them up...once, a sent a stegosaurus to an orthodox quarter, and there were screams, screams are sad.

My sister and I made a girl, when I looked at a yucca plant, in my flat which was going to go...because I'm in mental home...but is now just 5 pounds for her a month...

Because he arrives at her house; to tell her...he is an odepus...that he thinks nanny wants...

Ms.Bacall arrived behind the cat-flap she can still walk, and she is 80

there is a free coffeee machine in my school-room, expensive; dark roast, mild roast, herbal tea, japanese green tea...

He just gets dark, because he has genius...he hates life being boring, he loves travelling..he wrote a sweet book, in Heaven, I read a little, I'm the older guy that gives him advice...she hates her son;

shreiking, and I can see an middle-aged good-looking guy, leaning on a coach...

WE ARE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are you shouting at me...I don't want to kill him

She wants me to put him in Hell..."Well...go, ...have a heart-attack..."

I found out his dad was sick...i dunno..."our planet...planet, pick a dog,...give baby,... be a guy..."

Anyway, Zeynep My grandfather Zafeh, is the bad blood, he says;

"You go to a mosque, you are a bitch...I will burn bitch..." This became;

Iliad...a fight between two tribes, the tribes were actually both Arabic...Homer...Zafeh was an hysterically superb assassin...he would hide in a house, wearing black, and wait for the house, then he would jump to a curtain, pound the floor..cut a man's throat, then roll across the room, and go looking very obvious past the door, and out into the street..he murdered three...he says 65...then, heard my light, and became;


"He was a pacifist..."

I put her in hysterics, Nanny Flo, said; "You know these guys!! These sick men!!!"...His dark demenour, his lack of pity, his sarcasm, his 'homosexuality' (he is NOT gay...)...his thin smile...his boredom...his handsome height...his 'picking'...his seething hate...his crapness...

I tired this; "I'm reading a jewish essay...call him a schlemiel ...I think I'll do that, show you schlemiel...crying 'I'm black... "..I did this because I was teenage crush...green and pink soul, cut in half, true love...sweetness...

The tribal fight occurred, in a flight. Satan and God.
I forget.

one problem; the dome has a heathen design, the serpent with the horns, that was evil, i hated it; so it got popular...like digeridoo's...need;

boomerangs, need you;

hanging on my arm for five hours;


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