السبت، 27 مارس 2010

Colours Radha

because i had to leave the family, i woke up in a kind of netherworld, i saw yellow images of demons, (that's 'cadmium yellow hue', not; 'Lemon yellow', which is the colour of worship.) When I get back I see again, I see dark blue doves, and white lights.I left because I thought they were fighting my family...I'm fearful.

Nothing has happened.

I've fought again. I'm asking to see the Future.

Radha, that's it, she's Radha, that's what I discovered, YES!! The name was pronounced!!: she gets the blue, and white, and purple lights, that must keep her well and she doesn't know, these two Heaven souls, have become eternal, the circles, it means, our souls married and created voice through time, from the beginning...to quote;
Each and every god has its partner, 'betterhalf' or Sakti and without this Sakti, is sometimes viewed being without essential power:
see the Story of Radha, I mean she finds her husband in every incarnation, they are the same soul, and they meet in different lives...Krishna was magical child, He was the magic on my shoulder he went through a door, he has large eyes, piled dark red hair, white skin that shines........ I think I get yellows, worse I see the colour Diarrhea, and I'm screaming, that's why I never use 'Yellow Ochre' in painting, they're just diarrhea, don't problem, don't voice, make them go. She's worshipped, and that must keep her well, she doesn't know Radha. Laying in her lap was the beginning of Time, I wore dark braided hair, light blue skin...I was surprised, I was called Vishnu, I mean, the Indian girl in my house calls me Vishnu, I see why;

Lakshmi pronounced the word, "Vishnu!", it meant;

"I see you are sin."

She should know Hindu. She should awaken. Well, the past sent, a 'silver' conversation,(silver is to me, higher than God, it's Angel's Voice, Gold is love, true love, like dark green...I should discover green, it makes green eyes...children with green eyes...) I don't listen, I stayed for some time with my hand placed over her head, that's comfortable, a palm on the top of her head... I should stay with that. I should fire at diarrhea, I shouldn't cry; I should, they should see...I can discover the darkest purple and blue, that's weep...

I have tzallit to sew, and make; the colour discussion, was disagreeable, we settled, on blue and white. I like Neon, neon lime green mixed with dark blue. Bright pink, and black. Forgive my bright pink, it's tea and coffee, 3 to 4 sugars, mixed with an alcoholic spell, it's crazy party... Dark brown mixed with gold, that's "God, Why?" That's the colour of Hebrew eyes.

I have 4 and a half months left? I can't breathe when I walk up the steps. Creamy white is a worry, it was given light, there are two kinds of angry sin, vermilion without the sparkle, and dull scarlet, the vermilion fights, it's worse; the dull red is just complaining.

Light Blue and white must be the sweetest, it's THE "Flag" the only flag worth anything. I thought light blue was rare, that is lucky, that is listen, it's light and fair...They said, the Beloved was white with dark hair and green eyes, add that to a fighter and we have paradise.

Light Pink; doesn't want to say what she meant, that you are sweet, she says nuts. Pistachio is OK. There are grades of Black, if you're blind you can't see.

I must trudge through this creamy white, all the time, it stinks. It's the smell you couldn't wash off your hands, it's a mixture of putty and vomit...It sent me dizzy sick. SO ban it...

Gold lights are exploding from our chests everywhere, and I say they've lied. Who voices God?

Something was nuts, lime greens, and deep blacks and fuzzy bright pink, all mixed over a dark shadow. It was all sinful. We loved and hated at the same time, holy red, holy blue, half and half.

Lime greens and dark blues, and deep blacks. Cool.

We settle, for hide. Speaking is a waste of time. Show it...

Count on to change soul, at least 5 times a day. Be careful of sleep.

This is Bright pink.

I made heady talk, light grey in sparkles...I said, No talk.

Fool's Gold, dull shades, covered my hair, I shaved it off. I started again, in light blue, thank you...("..have you a poem?")

Black and Blue; That's the colour for Heaven, from the book; The I-Ching, Beware of yellow and black.

Colour smells, you throw me yelllow, and I chew lemons, I'll bring in the colour of sin, just colour, no more, dizzy drug free highs in gold...insane movement of bright Pink. A herb wrapped in leaves, behind my ear, a room furnished with Oak panelling, and a doorway to a feast, I'll make jelly chocolates out of colour, really; we smell like mulled wine and apples. Sin is disgusting. Cry unclean.
Everything Green...

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