السبت، 27 مارس 2010

"Look at those squidgy eyelids! (and she poked them), Your eyebrows make beautiful eyes, these eyes are bed, I want to give them a kiss! Look, you've scratched spots, (she stroked my chin) These are from measles, (she pointed to my scarred head) Your eyebrows say "Islam is one!" What is Islam? You've grown a little beard, it sings, I hear;"Muslim Kings" I think Muslim means sins...it sounds like Muzareem...(?)

"These holy eyes! So sakmatey!! These eyebrows are wings, like doves!! This haircut! (She picks my hair) Little goats!! You look like you ran from Mount Gilead, (these short layers and all sweaty, and dribbling on the pillow) They are feathers! Dark red and angel eyes!! This goat, says bed, this goat says dead (she picks each frond of my hair) this goat is the holiest, because, it says Heathen men are sins, this delicious chin is covered in Messiah's beard, it sings, it says fears..."

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