Zagreb Zagreb; "This first female Turkish mosque designer? Zagreb Fallibou?? Not even a Muslim!!"
I'm lying in my duvet, on the floor, and catching sheets of paper, for my new obsession, Masjid designing!!
---Bright Pink Djinns---
I made three souls when I was in Hell, I had a picture stuck in my forehead, that I could see all the time, of a horned demon, crying;
You are in eternal flame...If I was going to be sucked into Hell in my sleep, I had to find a way out, another portal, above my bed, at the bottom of the bunk-beds...My family had to leave the house, I had toge t them to go on holiday, they went to Spain, the portal was a half black and white white door...I would enter the alien planet, in the town of Wad. I knew about alien worlds, because I heard the computerised voices of the evil Goyim government, speaking about murder on TV, I immediately understood the language...the Emelbert door was bright blue.
I sat on the bed, with a dinner knife, calling War, the knife danced in my fingers, I started singing colours, hitting the bounding mattress, with the knife point, I saw colours appear, bright pink, turquoise, grey;
bright pink; fun-loving, calls for Jesus, like merry light;
turquoise; blessed from birth, call for Jesus.
light grey; very intellectual, holy, rational. (boring?)
----the door was above me, I was living on omelette's, and a little bread, the fridge was empty---Satan was in the walls---it spoke disgustingly...I had to turn off all TV and radio--evil 'English' words were getting through---it was in the entire town, it was in the skies..."Woof! Woof!" It started crying woof, and I met many demons that I wanted to be God, because one night it burnt out my eyes;
---two nights ago, in the dark, "I want to bring planet Ezquitar light."...I use to call the Planet, 'Amwell', because I met a girl from that town...it was like an American Peace, wooden houses...keep power and light away from brain, be simple...cry two women's light...Dorothy Parker, Mannie, make bright pink and green, fashionable colours, clue them to colours of soul, these colours shining through my arms, Buddhist Bodhisattva, hold open hand, sit cross-legged, turn other arm, stand up.
I start planning an alien film; 10 'volumes' of film!!! Sequel after sequel!! Think Yahweh...need music, the holiest record is Prodigy...two songs with a Hindu touch, techno...God is called E (ecstasy-pill)..E is the most popular letter for names...
Dorothy, brings light, with bits and pieces of her life; socialism, protest;, 1920's fashion
I can see alien girls, laughing happy girls, dressed in silk dresses, delirious...the boys are laughing at Jewish dress. They have slicked back teddy boy hairstyles, covered in gel, with a quiff. An English woman is shrieking in Alien company, because,
"Schindler is hots!! Schindler is psyches!!"
"Man, those guys look Ike!!"
"You are too Fitz! "(bad) "You Fitz shit, we're dead!"
Big Party yesterday at Mums, I'm hiding on the computer, and Nanny is here for dinner, suddenly I hear noise, I walk into the room, and my baby-son is sitting with Nanny, with his long white blonde peylocks and his big black hat, my baby girl is standing in front of Nanny with a gem in her hand, "Mummy sent this up from her Temple." Arabs, arrive, and this time I'm taking a shower in my clothes, an Arab appears in the wall, I lift my leg up at him, let him see through my pants, then, I'm arguing with mum in Arabic, in front of the kettle, I see me, now, I'm six foot tall, in black, with a damned red flag wrapped round my head, I weep because I saw dead Iranian men's eyes...an Arab guy, is stuck with the rat-people of Emelbert, when I need him to contact Mohammed's; "Rock n Roll Mate, we're leaving, Lars said you need to meet Holy."
So that night, I make a film idea, two teams, close to Jewish and Mohammedan...Jews wear white, opulent, squatting, rich, Mohammedan, locked away, want to bring Law, Love God, BOTH trying to save the entire world...my light is lower light, I can't fathom, exactly what I want to say.... and then HE (GOD) tells me;
"THE WHITE TEAM are the Djinn!!!"
I get a letter;
"They have stopped the War in Lower Easter!!"
The Djinn wear the Holy Men; they dance, in their rooms, both teams are hiding...A DJinn wears his socks for two weeks, because he is holding a human man's life and soul. Loses socks, picks another...Narayan...
(I'm forgetting here) I'm dancing backwards in the room, my soul is chanting, I turn into a bright pink light, a rare light on Earth...I wanted that; HE says; My menstruation is "full of love."
The djinn throws the cord around his head onto the lights overhead, and a chandelier appears...he brings one man success, by, ???
confused ??? It hits Mannie, and she's giddy...
"THE BLACK TEAM, (begin the lore...) want everything..."
"The Djinn know!"
"The Djinn are War...look;"
"They light Heaven, it was a holy fight, the black team are failing, they get good luck...the white is highest, they see sexual, they light lowest...they are rich in poverty...nothing matters to djinn, because life is fleeting...not even Wars are important, when they look above...they save and save...and knowingly it's nothing, and everything."
"The BLACK TEAM begin soul..."
"Djinn loose a little soul...they are ancient king..."
"...they see fighting and laugh..."
"...soul is youth..."
"You saw Djinn."
(Prodigy, SMBU) go higher than that
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