I spent the weekend with;
I appeared to her, I had watched her sleep, the first time I ever looked at anyone sleep, and I told her;
In a red shirt...
We've met, three, to four times...
I told her so, that;
She and her baby give me gentle light...
I say;
You are ugly...
I stayed in the bunkbed, she spent all night with me, until dawn...
I call her too many moles...You are ugly.
She ripped the one on my face, clean off...
I talked Devendra...
She heard me muttering about true love, she was shocked, she began to talk about him...
I groaned and turned over to sleep, I didn't want to listen, so I didn't...
When my sister wondered that, she heard Hathaway, because I was riding through the streets...
she rubbed my chin, and said
Kings have beards
I moaned...he looks Kings...somehitng something
When I was pregnant with ELMA, she appeared, Natalia just suddenly appeared and she talked to the baby for two hours, making him a King...the egg went to Heaven...he's the guy!!
Polly appeared, and grabbed my chin in her hands; told me the Gig in New York...
And the japanese were crazy!! And when John played, he popped, and I called him a Lemon!!!
I moaned, I didn't find that funny, so I told her to go; the new album is awful, and I have the right to be pissed...
I went down-stairs to sleep on the sofa; Natalia appeared, rubbing her teeth with her finger, and waving her arms, I couldnt hear her;
@Yes!! I rub my teeth in the mirror when I mocking someone, go away!!@
I cuddled my schoolfriend, she got braindamage when she fell off her bicycle, we had a fight one day, I kept kicking her, we were both being beaten by our parents, and my way to deal with that was to pick fights, because she had slapped a ketchup burger in my face, and took a picture; because;
'her head is too big';
I cried all night...
I cried the next day
and the next
I hadn't seen her for months before it happened, I'd gone to the swots, and she was the freaks, to the swots, because my marks were jumping erractilly from A's slivering down to E and F's...and before that I was in the Tarts, who gave me the damn mad idea of shaving my legs at 11, walking downstairs with deep cuts, bleeding and bleeding, then mum went nutty...and the clever clowns gave me respect, the ones the swots called the bimbo's because the teacher were putting me in tears and detention, all the time;
And so my school-girl came back after a year, and when it happened I thought no one cared, and that no-one prayed, and I prayed the night i heard of the accident, and prayed with gold light, to heal, her...and I talked to her at night, for yes, about a week-without calling;
And when she returned, she couldn't talk well, and the maths teacher was still a very upset former bullying dog, and I saw her smiling when I looked (ook, because I gave her bed!! eek-because I discovered that she was thinking of me-she put in nan when she was a swine-'you stupid!' and her mum said sick things and nan would repeat odd words, perhaps nan had been dead for some years-)_and she made it to college, but
this is like a dream;
boys in sports clothing, and horrible girls began shouting and mocking her, in the corridor, and I span out of a room like magic, and I was the only witness, so I shocked them, I shouted at them and said; BEHOLD GOD!! SHE IS WISE, THOU ART A DOGand then lost her, she sings;
"trembling midnight lands
and going to bed with the wizard"
"She write lovers in my head"Bat for Lashes, first album
During that week my tooth, killed and killed
I said I had to keep to her soul, because that took away the pain...I told her what happened to my brains, that they burnt and shook, for a week, in bed, I could feel my brains moving under my skull, and I couldn't tell anyone, but eventually got through to the jewish girls...
and i did;
Mental Hospital, March, last year;
I was called, and I saw, light sabres flashing in the air, that red demon with the nobs on his head, appeared, he cut off my little toe...I was laying in bed, Hans and Luke, well, two men, were struggling, I called the sabre to my hand, it was easy, I cut him in half...
I got up to walk to the sink, and, the mirror...there was a flash of light, and, Two men fell out of my soul, one;
Had a huge head, with short dark red hair, and a roundface;
the other;
Had a skeletal bonestructure, and long blonde hair...
When they got back, they became me again.
So Natalia left me, and I took my schoolfriend to Jamaica, I said you won't like Africa, and I will have to translate, I predicted men taking us to a bar, I said, I would hate the seedy bar, and the dancing...
our babies hate her Mother, because she is so sick;
And appeared to cry;
You dont love Mummy, you love Nanny!!
I dont know why they said that, perhaps they heard me walking around, praying and trying to pacify her, because she was sick...they have such cute voices, because we are both local, the other kids are well spoken, I watched her in soul, and thought about Heaven...
I spent one week with her and left, I think thats fine...how can that be fine??
When my sister and I were called, we were well, they said;
Do you fly??
We said;
Yes! We fly!!
they said;
we need the power of hell!
Hell wil die!!
Help us men are crying we will die!! They are the evil empire!!
We were trained to the sword, the year before Rohan, my sister, had a perceptive sight, and she could feel deadlier...
Using the Force...
here its possible, but there is a little guard
Use the Voice...
I jumped up and forward a few inches outside the pub...bit tired trying to think about this, so I'll give it another chance
Crouching and Screaming
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