الأحد، 2 يناير 2011


I keep telling, what happened, I know that's wise, because I havent particulairy been killed by it, unless you count my weekedns, at home, where I avoid the family for the computer. I'm so hard-hearted, I shouldnt tell, because other women aren't ...and I've latched myself onto this woman in Heaven, because....

She said:

"You will bring me a house of love."

Thats about all this drawing and designing I've abandoned since calling...

Magical power is just...just continous murder...I think I've got such power, such madness, such forsaken attitudes, adn such damn bad luck, that I'm going to shoot my entire soul into that big ball of fire, called the sun...it happened, that, when I see the sun, I think my soul is going to leave me, and fly into it, for a while even when I saw videos, with a panorama, and sunlight, that I'm gone...or when I see random pictures of Nazi's (that's just weird bad that pictures of Hell keep appearing)...or when I'm being driven down the motorway, and sees heaps of large metal cages in the industrial parks, I'm going to fly back in time, and I'm going to be trapped in a prison, (where they keep me in a cell, because they are evil, and dont hesitate to discover why I'm there, just that this enigma has to be kept under raps, and stay in prison for life, trapped in the metal cages, trapped in Nazi Germany, trapped in the sun...

Then I tell her, how there is Hell. And I see her, with me, in another place, shaking, shaking and weeping, in my house...

I think she is Allah.

Then I reason she might be a holy woman, a 'mother'...

And each ight, I cry up to tell them to pray....I can't do it, I don't want to pray, not like a moslem, where you can see the whole ceremony...not in my chair...I did go back to the chair...I just say, I won't pray. It was impossible for this:

'continuous pleading' (in prayer)

not to have made any difference.

Other prayers have made a difference...insane miraclious prayers...the death of a group of men, count 1/2 secs, of calling, where i stopped in the street, adn then heard it had worked,a dn tehn seen two lights from my eyes turn into one white and one light blue banner, into: "Where-ever you go!"

We had yellow things in our walls.

The bear-jew...the bear-jew, beheaded a gang of Nazi's...that was magic...we don't know what is True. He was a big loud black man crying thunder;

"I FIGHT JESUS! I FIGHT JESUS!" A big african guys voice. strange...that was me.

I walk a long way home, devising, then I come to a tree, I pick a twig off the tree, and I snap it, and I say what...."Bang!" I hear: 300 Nazi's dead....

I actually enjoy, and I reason, if that was truth and that worked, work for the new problem, instead, I threatened as many people in heaven as I can...I hear kids crying in my walls, and I have to call Nan....breakdowns...every-one weeping or scolding...

I say worse...I start repeating the drill, their sick talk, I threaten heaven men will get too, that I will put them in fall...

I make giant prayer, in my chair, but the colours forming around me, are satanic black, but, also gold...

When I fall into bed, I break out...I call these 'higher' women, and:

"You have forsaken us!!"

That makes me laugh, I know I have, and I laugh, because of the push, and that lets me know I'm half-way home, because I don't know where I am, even when women arrive, or I think my kids have arrived...I know they forgive and I will meet them...that stopped the Death. That puts in my mind to remember those words...

I have fun when I'm high, but I also bring Hell...I have ideas of calling the entire Israeli army, the entire country, to help me in a war against perverts, simply, to find someone who can cleverly, and quietly kill them, use a kitchen knife even, cut a little slit in the heart: "NO, wait, I want them to suffer, put them in a Living Hell...and then I will kill them..." There was no-one, I thought I heard men, discuss, adn these men were just as bad, they wouldn't kill...( "I heard a light that says, when we kill Evil, we save the entire world) If they wouldn't do that, then what were they??

Someone stopped the phone calls, other wise, we are certainly dead. The 'eye for an eye' began to become satanic, (and that is after many years, nearly five, of fighting Hell) because somehow, when I cried, :

"Let them have every Hell, they want to put on others, to them...let them die..."

It was Hell, it was full of screaming when we heard the babies crying, when we heard the men talking...

"Pray these men dead..." That broke everybody, that broke men who knew one Heaven Law, was to never Kill. I only knew that, because I had recently heard it in the Light....

The Satanic (colour, a dusky grey black...)

"It just heard Sulk, and thought, to laugh...."

It must have flown upwards, because I was calling the highest, the suicide began, because I thought there no possible way we would be killed, by this light reaching Heaven...because, well, we're secure, and they sure didn't see any evil, over this way...which means all my hysteria and paranoia melted, and I let go, and I flew everything, absolutely, everything into the highest place...even if it was Satan soul...made hard-hearted, because no-one dies in Heaven...

I don't know what happened, to our souls or to this Heaven, so,  I cried make Light, stronger, a feminine light, dies under bad heat...

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