There are three types, they all look the same, big head, big eyes, the eyes are black, white, and dark blue.
Mine says I'm Dumb.
They possessed soul, cruelly, they made thoughts. The black ones were firey, the whites were really just the same as the blacks. I saw them everywhere, big eyes of ghosts in crowds of people. They stick, they stay in your body. The black ones were thought to be evil, but the white ones were I looked at one, and it turned blue, just in its eyes. Crowds and crowds of martians, aatonishing that no-one knew they were already here, just invaders of a different kind. Meeting martians in my room, and turning them blue. They had already been here for decades. They wanted to write cruel. They made men think it was Satan to Him. Destroying martians: I destroyed them by staring back, just as intently as them, but with more fire, than their empty, I banished hundreds. Then, I couldn't be bothered, I forgot about it. Fascist thoughts. The blues are pyschotic, "What should I love?" they think....but then they can't get past that thought. So they stare into other humans, and make them a little dead. It's punishing. What did they do to Earth?
Crouching and Screaming
قبل 6 أعوام
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