My project has changed alot, for the 'finished sculpture'; I have tons of sewing to do, and then to piece the squares together onto a long yellow cloth, a large canopy, that seems to have no purpose, because, where can I hang it??, I'm making little bits of dolls-size furniture from match-boxes, I might take the japanese guy, from Hayward Gallery; Walking in My Mind, idea of looking through windows...but no, plagiarised, some shitty neon abstract square paintings, that I'll just hang together with wire, to make them a little more interesting,
so, two sketch-books about time travel, have been, chucked, and lots of fluorescent drinking straws have been stolen...and I've filled my new book, up, in one week,
with; sketches made from that very, silly, little, PC program/application; called;
Paint. (because, it was there, and it gives the book, an interesting style, it also takes me no longer than ten minutes per sketch...I don't care about Photoshopping, and I'm sick of all the 'manga' clones...)
And some scripts, because!
I'm writing and drawing a cartoon-comic-book,
about aliens. zombies (yawn, not original...but these stories are about my visions) and me. and colours of souls.
Most of the script came from 'Yahweh', the aliens are groovy and hebrew. Some of the script, ?? (the word) ; developed, a little better, when I began to think for myself...

this doodle, is the human-boy, who meets a hebrew alien, and he is haunted by dreams of the devil...I made these sketches in the library, and the model for this character was a young boy, who had these amazingly bright but haunted looking eyes, a sweet long mouth with two protuding front teeth, and 'elvin' eyebrows...
OK; let me try a dodgy blurb:
A hidden man controls the portal to another world experiencing the armageddon, a girl Dov; trapped in a house, (which is the portal) is fighting hell, she calls for light, a fragment of her soul has been taken by the Devil, creating many zombies, other odd things are happening...the end of the world has already happened, but the humans haven't noticed, death appears, as old age, they are all old, some died in see...a group of aliens love, the girl, (they each hear the other, and this is shown in the way, they all speak...a special link; and they appear to have been chosen by the Hidden Man, to go through the portal, and to bring God (Damn) they have been chosen through love, Z and S are just friends, S is dating A, and .A, (takes a 'drog' and falls in with the 'dead' human's goes crazy and the married Ravztin couple...Z is lousy but the Hidden Man talks through him and he falls for a boy, who hears much worse from Satan, than Dov, and needs to be saved, well, he justs asks him; "Do you love me?" he means god, I added the freak...humans are laughing at Dov for crying God, that's why the aliens appear...defying God has brought the ----, hysterically annoying beings, that drive men mad with their incessant chat, because this group of A sins which are hilarious...an alien called Z. is in love with Dov, the other aliens are sweet on her, because she brings soul...the girls, the boys
ok, blob...they have a sweet way of talking, dialect..
remember each one has ?? word?? a mirror!! god/sin
vanilla-we worship god, need love so much
blood red-we love god, they lead us, we white.
white-we give love! We are happy, feather light.
green-true love
dark brown-questioning God, wise
.dark blue-we are holiest.
a very deep dark, purple blue mix-I call it 'dark night of the soul' it's woe...why...high sorrow/love
purple-Holy Love
matte bright blue-we are silly, funny behaviour, jokes.l
light blue-we show Him.
turquoise-we were soul blessed
orange-we think like heathen, intellectual
bright pink-we party like Him!
light grey-we are god intellect.
dark matte grey-hell
light pink-we love. happy.
yellow-sick sinners.
lemon-wanted love, brought forth Him, worships God.
red-hatred.lilac-we want to party!!
lime green-we are sinning!!
cream white-feel sick
deep black-holy anger
matte black-sin.
I'll give you some quotes:
: "The Faller, were Hellian, they kept the Earth, with lies, they said; We have burn. They wanted to know how to shell..., how to kill a Heaven's soul...men were never sure, and they let them through."
A: "They became dead. Surer! They found the leader, a Zion leader."
(someone else wrote the script, someone in me)
E: "Little Dov...she's kept. Out!! She's kept, like a jewel. Slept through, every death, wept...Lorded, like a red, slept, and then ran, higher and higher...Ran for hope...I was sure, she was cool...she moped. She leads...she's found a home! (tiny laugh) She is sssoooooo Anglo...like 'ain't, 'bent'...I think she'll hope."
Ah: "Disaster! Ab----n lead. He's slimming light!! What a DIG!"

Ah: "Disaster! Ab----n lead. He's slimming light!! What a DIG!"
Ahu; "No, you shed!! We ain't hit!! Ain't beg!!"
Ahu; "Why does he witch??!! He's mizzening like a demon...they won't light!!"
humans are screaming, "This is sick!! Sick! Where are we??"
(have they fallen to hell? Abn is high on drugs)
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