الأحد، 29 نوفمبر 2009


Find me a story!!

The first time I took genuine alcohol was friday night, since four years ago, unicorn, a bottle top of schnapps, with 'shit diet pepsi. i need too much sugar..." and two half pints of lager, foot stamping because I've turned unicorn, and she's freaking out in my head, that shekinah, I found out other girls do that, so I had to 'base' lift it, keep them cool, white light, something, that put her friends in death;

"My son-in-law is talking me to bed..."

I usually add wine to my cups of tea, and I stalk my mother-in-law, I am eternally forgiven,

and very confused.

Some-one put the thought of chlamydia to me, at my first art exhibition outside the library, I announced this in a woman's mind, over the inter-com.

I was eternally forgiven.

I am the sweetest: C**T, to my sister-in-law.

I am jewish. This is too hide, my underground Irish Nationalism. As I have contacts in the English Government;

"Yes, Gordon, I don't fucking know any politics, surprise them, say your soul, cry you want Jesus, I know you hate Jesus...Now, I am going to bed, fuck off to ya."

I am Scottish

I am trying to be Jewish. Explicitly in this post, just like yours. Your 'lost' humour, your tachycardia/spell-check; Yiddishkeit; "oh look frum-person; sex! hehehe...";

"Jews are suppose to be funny."

"You forgave him for having a sexual disease??"

My face turne (the D button wont work)

"Goron, I take your money, I'm on your list, go away, you will kill me....I'm going to bed..."


into Elo ham, (MY FACE TURNED) last week, after school, I stood in the dark, face a woman, my face turned light blue, I said;

"See this Holy Seal upon my forehea!!"

And I grew lumps and patterns on my forehead, I turned gold, I became


--- When I added two counts of wine, to my pepsi, by singing;

Akon Oty, (Here Beloved) Avara...(WINE!)

I saw the black cat, I shooed it with my foot, as I wandered to the kitchen, the grannies (grans, of great great great great etc.) in the front room, I knew the cat.

The cat had a name, it was a hebrew name, I saw it!

"Annonnn, you know why you died! Leave me!"


"This cat was an evil Russian!!"

"I know this, I am her husband!"

"God torments and kills my soul, for being a Russian man!"

"What kind of Hell is this??! To make my young woman's soul, die because of this previous sin!"


"Are you drinking this?"

"I am a Russian killer, am I drinking or not drinking, I'll do whatever my wife the cat, tells me to..."

----(The Alo-ham story has lost my mind.)---

Her friends;

"He makes you sick!!"

"Whyyy is he die?!!"

"Stupid man..."

"He's retarded? Are you OK?"

"Shit! He's bent!! HE says I'm a chunim, a nerd for killing God!!"

"That fucking dick, he keeps calling Mom red."

"Don't go, if he's Moses, don't go to red, the chunin are red...Tell him sure."

"DAD!!!! She's crying you're sick!!! Tell God!!"

"If he's retarded, be sweet."

"He talks funny becasue he's dead."

"Baby, retarded men are the sweetest." American Israelis.

"OH MY GOD! He farted all the way down the street??!"

(I was preeeeeeten'ing)

"Where is he sick??!!! 'Sister-in-law' keeps crying he's sick!!"


"Now you're playing David??? How can we cry E. is David?? This is going to killllll! Because you can sing?? You think you wrote? What, Man? Michal wrote the majority??"

"Jesus! Moses married David?!"

"Why do you forgive the sick???!!! He's pacifist!!!"

"This will keep me home...."

The Wife: "I don't vant!"

The Sister; "If the Arabs give me sticks, will I die??"

(That worried me. I wrote Little Sister, beginning wiht SIlver Palaces, and Cedar Trees, it's knives, forks, and spoons, I wrote, she will get in a car, and get forks, if she leaves the car....(can't remember)

"This stupid pig, he flew God. Love Her."

السبت، 28 نوفمبر 2009

MODels, my comic re;cap

My project has changed alot, for the 'finished sculpture'; I have tons of sewing to do, and then to piece the squares together onto a long yellow cloth, a large canopy, that seems to have no purpose, because, where can I hang it??, I'm making little bits of dolls-size furniture from match-boxes, I might take the japanese guy, from Hayward Gallery; Walking in My Mind, idea of looking through windows...but no, plagiarised, some shitty neon abstract square paintings, that I'll just hang together with wire, to make them a little more interesting,

so, two sketch-books about time travel, have been, chucked, and lots of fluorescent drinking straws have been stolen...and I've filled my new book, up, in one week,

with; sketches made from that very, silly, little, PC program/application; called;

Paint. (because, it was there, and it gives the book, an interesting style, it also takes me no longer than ten minutes per sketch...I don't care about Photoshopping, and I'm sick of all the 'manga' clones...)

And some scripts, because!

I'm writing and drawing a cartoon-comic-book,

about aliens. zombies (yawn, not original...but these stories are about my visions) and me. and colours of souls.

Most of the script came from 'Yahweh', the aliens are groovy and hebrew. Some of the script, ?? (the word) ; developed, a little better, when I began to think for myself...

this doodle, is the human-boy, who meets a hebrew alien, and he is haunted by dreams of the devil...I made these sketches in the library, and the model for this character was a young boy, who had these amazingly bright but haunted looking eyes, a sweet long mouth with two protuding front teeth, and 'elvin' eyebrows...

And this little alien is the star, that saves the world....

And this is what saves: a kiss!

OK; let me try a dodgy blurb:

A hidden man controls the portal to another world experiencing the armageddon, a girl Dov; trapped in a house, (which is the portal) is fighting hell, she calls for light, a fragment of her soul has been taken by the Devil, creating many zombies, other odd things are happening...the end of the world has already happened, but the humans haven't noticed, death appears, as old age, they are all old, some died in see...a group of aliens love, the girl, (they each hear the other, and this is shown in the way, they all speak...a special link; and they appear to have been chosen by the Hidden Man, to go through the portal, and to bring God (Damn) they have been chosen through love, Z and S are just friends, S is dating A, and .A, (takes a 'drog' and falls in with the 'dead' human's goes crazy and the married Ravztin couple...Z is lousy but the Hidden Man talks through him and he falls for a boy, who hears much worse from Satan, than Dov, and needs to be saved, well, he justs asks him; "Do you love me?" he means god, I added the freak...humans are laughing at Dov for crying God, that's why the aliens appear...defying God has brought the ----, hysterically annoying beings, that drive men mad with their incessant chat, because this group of A sins which are hilarious...an alien called Z. is in love with Dov, the other aliens are sweet on her, because she brings soul...the girls, the boys

ok, blob...they have a sweet way of talking, dialect..



remember each one has ?? word?? a mirror!! god/sin

vanilla-we worship god, need love so much
blood red-we love god, they lead us, we white.

white-we give love! We are happy, feather light.

green-true love

dark brown-questioning God, wise

.dark blue-we are holiest.

a very deep dark, purple blue mix-I call it 'dark night of the soul' it's woe...why...high sorrow/love

purple-Holy Love

matte bright blue-we are silly, funny behaviour, jokes.l

light blue-we show Him.

turquoise-we were soul blessed

orange-we think like heathen, intellectual

bright pink-we party like Him!

light grey-we are god intellect.

dark matte grey-hell

light pink-we love. happy.

yellow-sick sinners.

lemon-wanted love, brought forth Him, worships God.

red-hatred.lilac-we want to party!!

lime green-we are sinning!!

cream white-feel sick

deep black-holy anger

matte black-sin.

I'll give you some quotes:

: "The Faller, were Hellian, they kept the Earth, with lies, they said; We have burn. They wanted to know how to shell..., how to kill a Heaven's soul...men were never sure, and they let them through."

A: "They became dead. Surer! They found the leader, a Zion leader."

(someone else wrote the script, someone in me)

E: "Little Dov...she's kept. Out!! She's kept, like a jewel. Slept through, every death, wept...Lorded, like a red, slept, and then ran, higher and higher...Ran for hope...I was sure, she was cool...she moped. She leads...she's found a home! (tiny laugh) She is sssoooooo Anglo...like 'ain't, 'bent'...I think she'll hope."
Ah: "Disaster! Ab----n lead. He's slimming light!! What a DIG!"

Ahu; "No, you shed!! We ain't hit!! Ain't beg!!"

Ahu; "Why does he witch??!! He's mizzening like a demon...they won't light!!"

humans are screaming, "This is sick!! Sick! Where are we??"
(have they fallen to hell? Abn is high on drugs)

الأحد، 22 نوفمبر 2009


the 50th one, is psalm 85

Ian Carey-Get Shaky

what d u think? I'm deploring brothers. YES! we wrote songs!!

Led Zepplin- Immigrant Song

answers: Mikvah:

gold and blue songs to Arabia, 300

red and green-to Americas, Europe 32,000. (reply to King Jesus)

purple and pink; Britain 942 songs


"jed?" you-tube look

"You'll like this ; Madonna..."

"I like Madonna?'

"Jesus song in Petra..."

"What, the Christian band? I'm beyond belief..."

"Also, Jesus songs...something called; Help ME Now...it's by Dre, the song is; Let me ride...it's actually let me ride. It's pink..."

"And something soul...Love me Tender."


"Do you like Jesus?"

no reply.

"This is Shine!! Something M's, "


"Dont ever soul..."

Dre: "What are all my bitches saying?"

"M's song is, Treat ME Love, it's written, it's ol'...take a wreck...song: by... jewish girl...Amanda Etine...Yes Perez! Angel is fly!!! Great PINKS!!"

---some more songs:

"Your jewish is Sweden...watch for........."

"For a baaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd, ? "

"Jesus! Gor Det Nu is specials! Jesus, Please Love Me, jewish Hazel...;...something Goth...gothic is weep, it's Nightwish, End of All Hope,

"Purple? Like Rabbi's eyes?

"...yes, purples..."

"Losing the line."

"I'll be born again, I'll be sent to an ALien Planet, that's sick..."

"One more, they're sick..."


"Jesus save me...Angela Ecar...jewish booooooookk..."

"I love you, you're mine...."

"Jewishhhhhhhh, you couldn't look, see song!"

"Pantera, look down. I am Him. Pantera? Cemetary Gates."

"Cemetary Gates."

"Right, after this song I'm off!"

الخميس، 19 نوفمبر 2009

Jew by Marriage

taptpatarumtarum, mum mum mum mum, and nanny mum is Isiah line, she swears we're royal Stuarts:

Ha, the Tate Modern, went there Tuesday, after the bus from the blood test unit, stopped halfway on the route, next to nothing, so I got the number, 8, to Canning Town,

'ooooh, will there be lots of charity shops for me, there, I still have a fiver in my pocket with change..." , even after two coffees and a packet of choco-raisins, so much cash left since I stopped buying books for family, and leaving change in boxes, also because of change I had for a very cheap, bad bad, rubbish camera, (now a christmas present for sister)...

The bus stopped at a gigantic bus station, under a bridge surrounded by roads and industrial developments.

'Oh. stupid...' I wandered through London Bridge, and took the wrong turning, I stopped in the middle of a university complex, and rented students flats, wearing a hoodie covered in paint, a filthy coat, and smelly piss trousers, and a hat...I found a cafe, and bought an expensive cup of tea; It was the morning, early for me, I arrived at the blood-test an hour late, with the Indian girl, who likes so much to ask me the same question over and over, even after I can be bothered to answer her, so I had to go to the other unit, because the guy there just pin-pricks the arm, and out comes the blood, not like the stupid nurses, who wiggle it, or try different view two or three times...and I had to buy a coffee, and have a smoke, before I quequed up...and the queque was long, so she left me there, we had been ordered to go back together, but after looking for her, I left for the cafe across the road, and bought a tea.

for the past few months, I have had a terrible fear of flying.

Appearing over Dad or above a live camera, as I sit in the toilet, so, my options have been, to place my hand over myself, and shoot piss over the bowl and onto the floor, because I can't sit over it...or, to pee, in my boxer shorts, maybe wear them backwards, so the key-hole can be pissed through...ha! bloomers, fitted with a tube.

So, I go out, like this, covered also in deoderant spray.

And! To continue.

And do I shit? Yes, the diet is mainly chocolates, I shit my paints, the poppets fall all over the floor, and I clean the floor twice with wipes, adn wash my hands thrice.

I got lost in South London, for 11;00 to the bus, arriving?? 2 and a half later?

I needed the toilet, but when I found Waterloo, the toilet stopped, and saved me 30p.

I found some oddly placed shops, by the riverside...just about missed standing on dog's poo on the gras, wiped that foot, on the mat at a gallery entrance.

The first painting was shit...blue background and regular chunky flowers, colours mismatched, I paint rarely, and have started painting just this year, the pictures take about 45-50 minutes to stop, just a little before, they need finishing...
I'm trying to get to what I saw: what gave me a hunger to leave the Tate,
Bacon, Francis.
The first painting was his ------I forget---- and that moment I could SEE!!!!!!!!! how he did it;
A quick light red watery wash for the background, and THEN, loose brushstrokes of one colour, Grey, for the clothing and the sitter, the shadows, were just one stroke, (2 min left) er: the use of colour, the colour was simple!!
so here's two of my 45 min paintings:
THE END, back in the fall, give it three...

When I got on the tube, I needed to pray, I can't remember why, but I huddled against a post on the edge of a seat, I started to move back and forth, gold lights appeared, I looked around giggling, there was a gorgeous man opposite reading, also giggling, he was dark, and I checked his eyes;


"Oh my God! You love me! Too good-looking, and I don't like men! See the future that won't happen!" (green = true love) I cut my hair, two weeks ago, I had lice, I cut it with scissors to the scalp, and then tried a weak razor, I had bald patches, and long bits at the back. This was showing under my damn black skullcap.

Then there was a woman opposite me staring, she was about late twenties, she says 31, dark hair, thin bones, big eyes... She laughed.

"Oh my God!" I turned round; "You are beautiful, are you both Jewish!? I don't want to sit here looking at too-good looking Jewish."

Then last night, like the buses, women appeared much, I was just resting on the bed in the dark, because my bones and eyes ached. She appeared and lean't her head on my belly.

Then another girl appeared.

She was from the future!!

She lay there cuddling and telling me about;


How, I hold my brushes differently...her name...I knew her name because, (I think/hope) that I predicted her...I had to go...because the poor baby had been sssssoooooooo upset, and then she heard me talk about God.

"Mummie Lars, you talk about Love!" She hadn't heard me try to talk before, but now, last night, I have a little demon, that keeps making me go nuts.

I punched Saul. He was hurting a woman. I saw him try to touch me, I punched him through the chest and ripped out his heart. Then I announced it. And that made the ride home with Auntie, terror, because boys started to do the same, I freak, I stopped them, kept them down, because I knew they would hurt someone innocent, I have a family to protect.

I failed, the punch went through her, I sat there at the front of the car, checking checking checking.

The kids called me. The answer was a huge scream.

I said; "Lets see what you can make in Heaven...the colours, I see the colours silver and dull red, you made a room!!"

This demon; "I don't want the room!! Take it away! That red is sins! I will punish sins!" I wondered why, it was because, I've lost, lost the Holy War...because, the red light went through, and shook me, my soul was screaming and my head was twisting round and round.

She nearly had a heart attack in her soul at the computer, a little thump. There's a new thing and an old thing, a demon.

There was a demon hanging onto a woman for three years, and I couldn't see, I saw it last night.

I saw another woman crying for God, she was being dragged along, with a knife to her neck. She wanted me to save, I only thought, touch her and let her die.

It took me a while to calm, I stopped the heart-thump gently. I kept screaming that the baby wanted to talk, I think we forget she is so young. She said;

She wasn't hearing Love. That's what she said;

"I am God!" Her voice was sweet light, her soul awoke.

I was sick. Angry. Mad.

I left the girl (I know her name, I said this time travel will kill) "And when you paint, you laugh! You say; 'Great!' It's painting souls!"...to sit with her in the kitchen. I went back upstairs

"Mummie Lars, come and watch this TV!"

If I'm her real Mummy, just another Mummy; I remember the pregnancy, Mum was a little black, and this is brutal to a growing child, when I touched her belly, just for the one time, I gave the baby green light. Black is thunder, she stayed in white...

Everyone is still sleeping, and I'm screaming;

Where is she? Where is she? The demon said, make her fall, it's a woman, it's squeaky.

The pikeys, the pikeys that used to go to a heavy metal club with me, they are trying to kill the family, they are brutal sick Devil, they try to bed my girl, they say sick about Dad, they get through the door. You think that's cool, but see what they say, how they look,; dead, evil..ugly old men, filled with maggots, souls like monsters, not just guys on drugs or a little skied with want, because you see her look, and that is wanting.

Yesterday afternoon, I sang two Surahs...I cried death of goat. I ended the prayer with Amen, and had to cool down.

You have to know when to drop, and when to slam, to be clear and free of sin, when you send up your request, send it up to the highest heavens, and beware of telling other people, just keep focusing on Allah himself, flow through, sing the sweet harmony as you relax, which makes the prayer, bow, and bow to keep the song, ask whats wrong, recognise the freak (something I could have mistaken for sick was shown to me, to stop, doing...also I have Nanny chatting to me from on high, so she got an arabic reply, show who you are, sign language, I kept hitting the front of my forehead, (see it!! You have a seal there, and it is your sacred holy Heavenly name (so, you have a Jewish name, you are Jewish, BUT, your soul name is different, and obviously Hebrew; Nanny's are watching YOU, Nanny's meddle in time...)) and cry you singing Lord...Only to Allah

Muhammed wrote down these words. I sing it like nonsense, but I speak in english, I make the words!!! YES! I wrote it...and I wrote it together with the singer, or rather while the singing was there, I stoppped after two, because the prayer stopped, switched off the record, on that, Amen.

Right; When I sing, I soul...this soul sing...the light is timed to keep you high...Allah, talk high...I became Allah, I cry...I wanted fortune, and it's time...My fortune is SING...We always sing...others sing...we have decades of writing...it's only when I'm in Koran and Islam, that I sing for my soul...A special place for prayer, where everything else goes, and I'm here...I'm clean. I sing nonsense, but they are holy words, they are made like Shakespeare, they take a little of what I think, and Damn! I even swore, I said fuck, but elongated the word, conducted the singer until the word translated as something else. Help??(I dont know)

Someone asked something that is never allowed, he was forgiven but I heard the request and I heard the reply...

I got a headache. I sang out loud, because I played them on record. The headache, was a red light in my mind and I could hear explosions, I think that was the death of the goats. And the Nephillim, (who men believe are the blood of angels) are reallly what is made when Angels get sick, that's all I know. I know we need to defeat them.

I need the pikeys down. They have no other soul, but Devil. Be aware of what meant devil-soul.

The mummy in me is a freak, I worried her so much, and I wanted to help. When PJ had a car-crash, I went walking after screaming and weeping all night (there are parallel universe, and the are different levels of Heaven) I found Mum walking her to school, down through the copse I sitting in, when I saw her face I died, she woke up looking dead, I thought we had been helled.

Please believe these 'pikeys' are sickos. Very sick.

الاثنين، 9 نوفمبر 2009

Musical Scenes and the Real Muhammed

Dungen - "Gör Det Nu"

this is the Swedish song, that captures a whole new musical scene! In Heavens!!

found on 2007-02 stereogums, free zip downloads...

Add the Spaatz, add the slick thin suits, with a little black and white check patterns, the leather cord around the head, and a transformation of sex.

Black dreams!! SO whilst, playing this tune, over and over, tap-dancing, and hair hanging over, with hands in the air; Muhammed;

I see his face, black hair and beard, and coloured in dark blue and dark green;

BANG! My eye shifts, and he sees monsters...

this scene is 1960's, mods...I turn into this (picture);

a painted jewish lady;

"Satan!! Satan!! Father she brings Hell looks!!"

He has a strange body, it's wide, and his arms and legs are stunted, but he must have beautiful love, because dark blue is holy, and dark green is true love);

"What is your name, Hell witch?? (song playing and playing, 'work stchill...mmmm mwah'...lou...got fur....')

leg wiggles;

finger to chin; "Lou, " "What is your name? They have reported, you bring Hell....Lou," pout, pout... sing singing...

"This witch is Christ!!"

"Yahweh, Yahweh, hear I only call on Yahweh, I give others dreams, gold and blue..."

something about, killing David's Israel...I took to fight..."Ta, ta dum ra dum dum, killing hebrew music, american higher, see Heaven...we are the hebrew lover!! Should have only belonged to David, the american hebrew..." Song playing, on repeat, had to walk out so high, tapping my feet on cars, spinning in the sky..."Lou, I do....." (I translate weirdly, "Don't really like herrrrrr, heaven...you can't feel her..."

Muhammed: "You want fight? You want fight? I will fight...I will kill Hell!"
"Israel is fire!! Queen of Israel, I am fire!!"
"I will KILL FIRE! I will 'scenes' HELL!!"

the musical scene, can be created, by witty cool...make one hip, make one tune...relate tune...we have 30 hip...the dancing is King...we have ten bands...type of musak; hippy electronic, prog rock, mixed with motown...another dress design, blood red velvet suit, a dark brown cord jacket, black cravat (I am obsessed with these styles) an everyday, chunky black wool knit cardigan with huge buttons, and long dark green skirts, with wavy hems...dark brown suits (dark brown is the colour of why)

"So we have an M!! Mo-mo mohammed, mariam, maddona, mannie, mario, I could go through the whole Heaven list of names, til I'm crazyyyyyyyyyy....GRANDAD MARIO!! (playing the one dungen song over and over) M M M M M!!!" little handshakes, and smokes in the garden...got der nu, on repeat..."Italian Grandad! He's not Muhammed!! Look what we made! I am Luigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii........."

drum drum drum...singing; "I am so insulting!! they all live and got..."

"Did you see Satan?"

still tap-dancing, moving like an ancient Israeli, from Last Temptation of Christ

" You are a witch!!"

"Oh, can't choo fall on things?"


'We work, stchill..."

Then I read his book, 25 sins...'They all live..."

"You sentence me!!!!!!!!!!!"

"This Hell-Woman, ssssseeeeeeeeeeksss deatttttttthhhhhh!!!!" Screaming now...

drumming, drumming, then, in a purple dream dancing with a book. I'm 6 foot tall, and my hairs turned black....

He screamed; "She is Father KINGS!!"

(this is quite cool too--Chromeo-Fancy Footwork)

الجمعة، 6 نوفمبر 2009


here's the news guy:

Selassie, is the son of me, and my 93rd wife, circa, David time...

Also, I went to a little rehab fireworks party:

They played Bob Marley!

He called:

Hi GrannyMom! He talked in the music....shocking news:

He is the baby of my wife, whom I was met with 2006, she was still a girl, and they wanted me to marry; we talked alot...for a year, she is the spider thrower; from

Ms. Peculiar is going mad, she's fainting!

We meet all together for parties, we had a firework party at David's house, We are still married! The party lasted years, Bob sits with us, the kids sit there and watch the fire, so little sister is still young, there at these parties are thousands of my blood,

party...I've over-populated Heaven!

الاثنين، 2 نوفمبر 2009

Finding a Religion

this is what i found, I nearly am;

revelations, babylon, zion;


الأحد، 1 نوفمبر 2009

I'm Well.

I'm well, I'm selling paintings like a dog!! and cheap!!

So much so, that I've run out...