Michal and The Psalms
the little boy that saved our psalms and delivered them to a holy man in north Jerusalem, was called YESHUA!! Yes!! like Jesus' first name!!! we were in prison, I called him from here, he managed to slip past the guards, and was astonished, 'oh god, you are nearly dead!!! I will tell men to cry that terrible king, to go...Miss, please understand I love you, my Father told me to arrive, 'I have a book for you...'...I want you to get out...He said Saul will die, I believe Him...these are special, did you know He write??? You write Heaven, I will go there tonight, the man is cool...he said, 'Let me hear the bride...bring these souls...' ...
When they gave you papers, it was because God cried soul...'
We made 20...we were able to write 90...2 weeks later, Saul fell...we were released, Michal and David link: Michal and The Psalms
Yeshua was proud to be God, the man he took the PSALMS to, was crying Our Lord...He wanted Messiah, because the kingdom was falling, the Babylon War had been trial...Yeshua said;
These are from the King!! Our King is Queen David let her go!!
Why did they call me a man??
It was a special oath made in Heaven, to, never, kill, our girl...
'the King will be a scarlet Him, he will be too bloody...the woman is God...break God...our girl needs Christ...never let them know...'
The Book man said, 'these are His...he told me they are nearly dead, I am going to the King, because he is a fool...He sins this country...'
He arrived; He had two men...they said, We appeal King David, your knigdom is dead, My Father is KIng David, LET HER GO...we also know she is our original fathers...the father of Kings...I have brought you two psalms, we will read, and you will give God, he read...they fell about laughing...
"Yahweh! Let us see KIngs!! My heart is dry, and I am Kings, my soul is God, becometh my soul...becometh my love...Michal Kotel"
He said; That is SOUL...
I burned them, and his daughter rushed to the cell;
'They are dead!! They are dead!!! Every man got ill, and they suddenly died!!! Let me through!!! Release my LOVER, for they hath died!!!'
10 girls wept with us...they led us slowly out of the dungeons...and we went to rest...the next day was thunders...Yahweh cried in the skies...we were brought God...
We wanted Love...and we kept men well...there was a throne test; which is???
Are we fell?
Are you ready to quell?
Do you realise this soldier is KING??
Are you hebrew??
I love them well...
Are you voice??
I am Heaven...
I slept on furry feather mattresses, I danced...enjoy these songs!!!I'm a little bit dead...I love this song , released 15th June UK...at the moment...
and this song, awful voice
and this one, by 'esmerelda' silly song
and my 'girlfriend's new tune; seek Amy (winehouse??)
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