الخميس، 18 يونيو 2009

Chinese Girl

It began when I sighed, I said in Cantonese;

'Give me this Holy Love, and give me wise, I love his soul, this is holy love...'

She would watch me. She was a ghost.

She would walk into my room, where I was bedridden, look at the floor, and say;

'Pretty woman, they are cool...I am cool too...my name is Dai Mu, I love you...'

She stayed beside my bed for weeks.

She wept.

She was a ghost, at 25,

She was tiny. I found her, I drew her, she had long curly hair and a beautiful face, she looked angry, like she hated the english man...

The first night she saw me, she laughed, she said; 'Look at little happy!! She is sexy!!'...

When she saw me, she laughed...'I think I am naughty for want you...I am know man, and they kill you!'
When I listened to Nick Drake's Pink Moon, with him, and sat throughout the whole album, crying...she wept. I spoke, I said to him;

'I love you!'

She said;

'I love you too! But don't talk him for want!! He is so sick, he will kill!!!!!!!! Give men baby, and you kill!!!!!!!!!'

She would SOUL me, he would look from his eyes, and I saw bed so much, when I said; 'Look, chinese boy, we're soul...' she screamed; 'HE sex soul!! He has sex my soul!!!!!!!!!'

...I left her the drawing...she was stunned...'Does this mean she loves me?'...and then, she tickled, 'You say I am Dai Wu, because that woman have little bed, I am Dai Mu, it mean't I look at you...'

She followed me to the canal, she was flying through the air;


I said; 'I want him.'

'I want him too!! I want him to dead!!!'

at 25, she was 63
When I was dead, and tripping out;

She said; Run, she said, yes, Chinese speaks!! You say, Give His...run from sick men, and get in my bed!!'

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