السبت، 6 ديسمبر 2008

Lovers Have Green Eyes (and Jewish Law)

We're Jewish, Sephardic Haredi!! Though to meet us, you would never know!! I love Dad today for going to Israel and talking God, because he calls them 'mate'; they love him!!
My sister wanted Love, she met Alexandre Dumas and got Love. I'm reading his book Count of Monte Christo, and I love it...She was see-ing Prince Harry, and he loves her, well, let her date...

The Hebrew Law says;

Marriage like this is legal, because page 39, beginning of Talmud, says
"Marry cousins, have (widows and divorcees) as first wives and marry even; aunts...as long as you are soul, bring love..."

Dumas you look!! You look at my little sister through my teddy's eyes and fall in love so quick!! So I'm so happy!! The gorilla toy made green eyes as little sister tickled it!! Look at my sister!! She went intergalactic too, and fought off Darth Vader!!

If you ever meet someone who makes green eyes, this is true love...I found a girl, she said, when you were ill and see-ing ghosts, I came to see you, I told you I love you in the garden, I was so low, I say I can't remember, she nearly went to Beelzebub men, I said what does your soul, call this man? "Devil"...I have green eyes for her, and she has green eyes for me...I want to live in green, HEY!! We made the trees, the grass, the everything is green!!!
The Standing;
The story of Molly, Ben and Elouise is nearly at an end, Molly and Elouise marry, Ben is still running around, crying everything crazy, annoying holy men...
Ben arrived in God, playing; Look! I'm a killer and I hate the priest! Ben wanted to totally fuck you up!!
Torah (marriage) Deuteronomy, page 70, says;Whosoever you marry, bring God, marry well, marry for love, interfamily marriage is well, you can marry a cousin/aunt/uncle, when you marry, tell the grandfather you are in love, and ask for a dowry which amounts to God, 190 shekels paid to God (money system in Ancient Israel, 190 shekels amounts to about 300 pounds today, fine even for those in almost poverty, so money to God, money to Rabbi or Temple) consult the rabbi, tell him love, if the rabbi knows the love is pure, he will reply , 'You are God', if something is wrong the marriage is annulled, like; 'We only want bed.'

The rabbi will say; "Be love in thee! For God is Love!"

Ben was a crazy bastard, he ever broke the Law...Molly was God, she said...oh! Ellie! I am forlorn! They had two horses and the horses foaled, they rode into God...Ben cape crook...Molly wanted everything dead...

To marry two women is never breaking law... (Lesbians) the two women will conduct God (this means, they have the sacred privilege to lead God)...It is given to women...they work in prayer, they greet holy, they work in temple, the temple rites are given to women, "I am women" (God's words? Moses?) Give women love, the white madonna is my special heart, love, she works for me and brings light, I want her to love...three women worked the temple, the inner sanctum was holy light, they hid behind the curtain, and told light, they cleaned, two worked in the day, one at night (was the temple closed at night?) All night, the temple remains closed, she brings Heaven (how?) lights two candles, which are the dark and the light, the dark is Mum, the light is Dad (Tao) We cry for light, we talk to Dad...two candles are placed on the floor, the altar is kept level, there are three tables, the holylights show where to place the candles, Men are welcome, but they are kept away from the inner sanctum...the cloth is purple...purple represents Love of God, and Hatred of Sin...(blue and red)...outside is a table, the men are led to the table, they give fruit, and coins, they talk at the table...the women represent God...they tell souls, when Heaven in Israel/the world is died, they shriek!! They go to walk and pray...they can marry women...polygamy is God (why?) Because many Love, and the Many can bring God, men are forbidden, holy women, they have only one, because polygamy in men is death, it fells girls souls, holy men are not to marry, polygamy in guys is wrong, because they?? seize!! God said men marry wife, marrying to many is wrong, you will have died because you are dirt and women are clean...only holy women are to marry to more than one..."Man, you appeared in my clay, which is dirt, and women appeared in God, which is Love." (Book One, Bereshit, page 91...)

Islamic Law is the same, intermarriage is deemed Him, (because?) because soul is joined...they share same souls, they are Allah, they love, they are lover...If two cousins love then bring them everything, the dowry comes from the uncles, is divided into two, and the grandfather blesses...

Deutronomy 6.8 says homosexual men were defying God, they bring devil, never marry men for you will feel the fires and the wrath, homosexual men are condemned (and then it goes on to cry God!!) Believe in your Father! And never lie to men!! We have the Life!! Love the Life!!

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