The first night, I held a knife to her behind...I thought I could hear a man...I'm sorry that's you, I heard a man...that was fine, It wasn't noble warfare, I wouldn't go far; because, this man had done the same to me, and I wanted him to freeze. I told her the Mohammedan rules, 1. Fight accordingly, grab a man from behind and cut the throat. 2. Kill only for Him...3. Be Righteous in fight, bring the sword upon the head. Cut only the throat, stab only the heart...well, I tried to tell her, but I wasn't sure... ...the second time I learnt what could make a fable...I held her behind...the gold lights made a fable, the fable was cooking, it was called:
'the best book in the world'
I rolled around laughing...I'm laughing all over the bed; "I'm Bryon, I'm Annnie!!! I'm angry!!"...I had to toilet, I peed everywhere, jumped out of my trousers; "That's OK..." laughing at the
best book in the world;
"The Holy Bible!!" "I see it! We have made the English Bible!! The BEST BOOK IN THE WORLD!!" " " 2 minutes of
joy of sex...let's keep making fables!!"
"Ray? Whats the best book?"
"MISHNAH!!! kama sutra!! THE BIBLE!!
"Joy of Sex! Joy of Sex, defunct penis, two minutes of dud, made Joy of Sex!! Ahhahha!! Just cuddles...only cuddles..." "Let me listen;; Allah will tell me; edomites!! You hated me, for that amount of time..."
"Isiah!! Job was the wonder!! Because it ended with our highest love, forgiveness...all the arguements in Isiah, then JOB!! Only it starts with new wonder in the New reply to me with good love, in the questions from Job, you give me every question, we never know the answers!! God does this to keep the Covenant! Enshallah Forever, never question God...he never gets answers, because he is only thrills!! I want to see the Tribes, I know this is subtle lovers, the Bible is Sci-Fi!! every arguement, what kills the Hebrew with tribes, our fights!! we made thought, we made emotion in seconds!! gold light fables...I want to see, I want to know..."
"I don't want that cuddle gay-sex?"
"I found Mannie's, book, and sent pg 465, I took that tiny chapter, and wondered it to her!!!"
"I can't believe what's happened!! We've got a genius in bed!!, we brought Emelbert everything!! Fable Penis!!!"
"Are you going to give me hell?"
"Let's think, let's song...I have two ideas, I need to see pictures of my dreams, send writers my dreams, fables, Heaven..."
"I wanted you, but you will break say cool...cuddle like a girl..."
"This writer can see out of my window!! One of them is writing a whole book, on dreams and impressions of the atmosphere, I sent him blue and pink rain, she's written the sensations, she has the dream!!!"
"Do you want devil bed???"
"Chapter after chapter on the impressions of rain!!! The War!! The War has ended!! this is Virgina Woolfs!! Rats!!"
"I hate you, it's put there, sin..."
"The Nazi Goyim have died, and I've brought books, left them to show the end of war in books!! We will fight Hell!!! Higher and Higher Emelbert! England! Ireland!!"
"Do you like hurting? Are you sexual hate?? I don't like hate."
"Mannie? What is your fable? I want to make more fable, Romeo and Juliet, all we have already given, write me new, white and blue!!! --B--- let's make fable!! Together, make genius together!! Where can I fable, who will make Love???"
"You won't bite me?"
"I want to put fable, lots of fable, magic...It's called GOD."
---She was weeping last night, because that famous gay designer had died...she mentioned it today, I had said she was too red, then damned him to hell, i wanted to know, his soul died shrieking, it was a little mucky...I covered my entire face, because his friend was searching, I knew we'd both die, me, because I wouldn't love, his, on fire, because he was queer, I have a little paragraph, to end with about demons and angels...but it needs good words. huff.--today, she talked but I had no idea of Why?...I made myself physically sick, and sang, 'it was a gollum..." I played magic games, followed her through the corridor with a chimp with my head, and thought; 'I dont want, oh no...'---you think too red, I don't like hearing naked women wear burkhas on their head in a fashion show, I dont like too red, this man draws himself with his dick out, in a comic about himself, yo, dont talk to the kid anymore, she likes hearing you, because your bright, too red... DMN me the kid heard me read out loud...i am an accident you should know better---.
Job 3,
11 "Why did I not perish at birth,
and die as I came from the womb?
12 Why were there knees to receive me
and breasts that I might be nursed?
13 For now I would be lying down in peace;
I would be asleep and at rest
(something there...silly to quote, but it's happening...foolish to quote, tears, vain appraisals, devout heathens, clouded temples, voiced God, fallen angels...)
----Job 4
10 The lions may roar and growl,
yet the teeth of the great lions are broken.
11 The lion perishes for lack of prey,
and the cubs of the lioness are scattered.
12 "A word was secretly brought to me,
my ears caught a whisper of it.
13 Amid disquieting dreams in the night,
when deep sleep falls on men,
14 fear and trembling seized me
and made all my bones shake.
15 A spirit glided past my face,
and the hair on my body stood on end.
16 It stopped,
but I could not tell what it was.
A form stood before my eyes,
and I heard a hushed voice:
17 'Can a mortal be more righteous than God?
Can a man be more pure than his Maker?
(...lover's fables...queens for gods, makers righteous...)