الثلاثاء، 5 يوليو 2011


(Katie B-Broken Record)

Shonie exclaimed:

"You've met a Shit??? Are you bazza's?

Atashe sank everything.

"What??? WhattTTTTTTT?? WHAT is that THING!!!???? exclaimed Hannah, beginning to violently shake, as she pointed....

"It's me! Lars! I slept on the floor!!!"

"Lars!! I remember, you kept crying sin!! You said I was the wife of shit...You said, she's a baby, rest...." (I said, on the single one blanket bed in the hospital, "Oh shit....I have a wife!"...it translated; this wife is shit...)

"I said : " OH Shit!! You're beautiful!! ""

(Ya, shit...O, shit...an aswad red...a red light...Arabic book for beginnners three,; 'Oh (Ya) My Fatima, of Al Quds, Palestine.'))

Dad said:

"Hallo there, Lars!"


She couldn't look at Atashe, as she slid through the door, heavy head of hair, whiter than white. SWELL. It's tiring, being awake after today, and I'm terrified of bed, only because bed has become an event. I was terrified in the car, happy at the bus-stop, happy because Sultan and Mummy and I, greeted the german exchange kid at my sisters school, with "Ach vat, mein digger?" Then the teacher starts shaking in her chair, and 'i think she has heard a baddie.' I sent Sultan a white toy car, made from a car that passed the bus, just like a remote control car that he can control with his fingers, then I see my toddler levitate. Worries, and worry. Can they hear the baddies?? So, the event, has become swell, except that I'm terrified, today has been light, apart form two spriks of paranoia, once in the bowling alley, I ignore my other sister in her tight pants and her new all-over tan, which, well, actually looks like a real sun-kissed glow, not, orange, because each time she throws the ball, she does some kind of shaking butt thing with legs wide apart, and I think slightly of our childhood, with her mousy brown very curly curly hair...(and now I can hear demonic laughter)...and something about when she fell off a pony in the mountains in Wales, my pony was white, and she landed on her head, and I cried, and expertly turned the 'horses' head, and 'cantered' a little...that was 2 second recall...I have 50 second terrors and thoughts and talk, that seem longer, much days wasted, pasty and fatter in front of screens and fears...and once at Grandad's...ol' King of Bavaria, the paranoia's at Grandads...so I talk and talk to the little sister, try some polite german , questions, talk about my collection of german music, and about a gallery show, and where I got a list of german music at another gallery show, and dad's eyes going black twice, because I remember before I hit ten yrs old, in weeks it seemed like his hair had suddenly become tight brown curls...something about he works forever on money, and I wanted a pound coin for a guitar hero arcade game...and how he jumps me in the room, while I'm trying to put foundation and eye-liner on, without actually having had a shower or teeth wash, my hair not even reaching the bottom of my skull, but suddenly curlier, than it could ever have been, being dead straight, as a toddler, playing with toy cars, dead straight, lemon blonde hair, and what looks like giant black eyebrows on a baby, that picture always reminds me of when I swept wall-paper across the floor, of an Iranian Jews house, and the ducks walked by staring at the floor, and I'm sure I'm someone special at that moment, and Prokofiev, R and J, is on the radio, and she looks Chinese like in that photo. So, I spend an hour, or more, telling baby all about school, and leave the day brighter, because I didn't see her when she was a kid...

Shonie is tire me...The thing is; When Dad walked in behind the open, door, which gets stuck on the carpet, I jumped physically, but looked and saw no fear, like when an electrician in the house made me jump at the bottom of the stairs and actually scream, because, his, face was fat and round and covered in dark red and yellow...when I looked at Dad , he shone gold, and I said; "Nay a demon, but an elohim..." then I had to go through, Why is he Elohim?" I tell people I tell strangers, through the doors.

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