He make four angels to surround His Throne — Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. Michael is on its right, corresponding to the tribe of Reuben; Uriel on its left, corresponding to the tribe of Dan, which was located in the north; Gabriel in front, corresponding to the tribe of Judah as well as Moses and Aaron who were in the east; and Raphael in the rare, corresponding to the tribe of Epharim which was in the west.http://www.jhom.com/topics/angels/talmud_fourangels.htm"[1]

An Angel word: "Esick!" means "You Shit!"
"Hinarim means Human..." I am impatient with Hinarim. Like Dad, just has to be around to hate...
I can't kill Raphael...
"Was I born? You were born..."
I know who Micheal is!!!
More to remember, football now...
HATE!!!!!!! Dog just barked, and NOW I HATE!!
Yeah...add it to my art-show, (Make Her Life)
I was praticing arabic, and then remembered the first, 'trip'...heiroglyphs...it stopped and I began writing weak, waiting for some kind of rabbi to arrive in the hospital...nothing...no letters...no love...so I wrote love-letters to a man I hated...
good luck
the other art-idea for long-running project; doodles, abstract anything to appear doodles, and this: stupiddraft;
Entering ZAR…
ZAR is known to be | A type of world | ||
It is what | rises | HELL | |
8 +9/4 | |||
ZAR: is; | Swirl | Bi-angular |
A special type of hatred, a ‘mecon’…
It arises in 2 WORLDS.
Zar is created, Zar is abstract…the world is sinking. Zar turns round, Zar was like fight, it swirls round, it is a red light, it is also particular yellow, it is actually a part of soul…
When ZAR swells, it makes two worlds, the worlds are shown here, abstractly in simple pens, biros are light loose, meager, nimble Felts are thick fat, firm, hard, heavy, high, pencils are lost use up, waste, yield
The world is forming, through the shapes, speaking, and turning, it is fighting, each mark, creates an organic form that flows through 8 portals, through the portals, the lines throw shapes, it is a growing mass of objects that storm through each other, speeding into the next form. This creates 2 worlds…
Zar: first organic strength; wise…secondly; hate…each hate is circle, strength is pictoral, wise is 6th…the wisest is form, the strength of the lines, and the depth of the marks, this; is mostly scary…
When ZAR forms, hate! Making marks is tough, lines are sick…
Abstraction; thoughts coalesce, I thought mountains, strength.
This comic is a story of Zars, Zees, Portals, and Alien Worlds…
These drawings are the picture of an Alien World. It is the part of the world that is just arriving, many odd shapes appear, it is the roar of a primal earth, it is the force of the opening portal, the door is monstrous, the forming of this alien world, shows items that oppose each fragment…the use of pens is simple…every abstract item is a part of the world’s existence…the forms are more powerful than they look…every little mark represents an chaotic object/event/experience in the alien world…it is an arrangement of molecular constructions…
'ketav!!' = "GET OUT!!"