الجمعة، 17 فبراير 2012

The Hasid Problem

I've started being dressed mad. Like, they need help.

I've got about enough weddings planned for me, to last week, cutting off the weekend.

I only came , to,  help.

Now, I'm being dressed madly, when I look down at my feet, the "beautiful jewish" white socks appear on my feet, black...shoes.

I'm wondering through the train stations,

and I'm donned,

a big square furry hat on my head.

I only wanted to help, I didn't reaslise the whole Hassidim (jewish) check, would stop me.

And give me five girl-brides.

I tap-dance through the room; pretend:

hopping; "I'm King rabbi!!"

I had work for Emelbert, and I had work, with

Rav Abraham.

"Like...the BIG rabbi....the first one, yeah!"

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