الخميس، 22 يناير 2009

Multicolours Souls, Evalner/Planet Earth has Luther

Hair Colour; it is Mothers wed, which means,

You are the source of colour, Hair/-Soul/- Hair is God, pregnant woman soul. Prayer keeps this child god.

HAIR; affected by wants, nay parental mix, Does both! Hid, pregnant hid.

You make souls, when you weep, they never cry hair is souls. It's a little tweak. I choose colour! We weep;

They sheols/hell; Show red.

They made well=white, blue is holiest. They fell=black.

You think showing the state of the world would be no?

Then let them know!


vanilla-we worship god, need love so much
blood red-we love god, they lead us, we white./'scarlet women' indescribable
white-we give love! We are happy, feather light.
green-True Love/darker green: woe in Love.
dark blue-we are holiest.
matte bright blue-we are silly, funny behaviour, jokes.
light blue-we show Him.
turquoise-we were soul blessed
orange-we think intellectually, like Hell...evil thought
bright pink-we party like Him!
light grey-we are god intellect.
dark matte grey-hell
light pink-we love. happy.
yellow-sick sinners.
lemon-Worship/wanted love, brought forth Him, worships God.
lilac-we want to party!!
lime green-we are sinning!!
cream white-feel sick/satan thought
deep black-holy anger
matte black-sin.

The Mother is blood. The Mother Him Lover. We fear Mother. Why have Lover? We seek top know light, he hath become the light, he hath become. We write the soul in light. "We thank!" We feel thank-white. The darkest blue is soul. We have shift soul.


How old are we in light? 32

How are we fight? They wanted love or luck.

Davening group is astonishing, two men vigil and write what they hear and feel while the rest of the men are in prayer. I want rabbi. Forgive men 25 times then tell them to go.

I write in vain, Mother show;

"If you want to know leaf, I will show."

Five colours think six
six thinks pi

Pi means we go round, we die.

Spectrum/red infra/ultraviolet. begins purple, halts red. So generation.

Humans thoughts began red, and they were shown men, and they thought (orange) "We are Ged!" Said the aliens, the humans said; This man Ged is the light!" They jump out in sin (yellow), partly right, they fell, ?, because they thought fell God, make Ged give us His, NO?! He is dead!" "Become Saviour!" makes (Green), they learnt they found holy love, (blue) Hated Infidel/Love God (purple) Indigo love Jesus, they heard Jesus "Hope For Jesus!" The light at the bottom of the rainbow is Gold...
The Revelation Gems
The book of Revelations - The Apocalypse - lists twelve layers of precious stones as being the foundations of the spiritual city of the New Jerusalem. There is an opinion that they are the same twelve gems as those in the vestments of Aaron. Here also there is an element of confusion where the translation is concerned:
1 - jasper 2 - sapphire 3 - chalcedony 4 - emerald 5 - Sardonyx 6 - sardius / carnelian
7 - Chrysolite 8 - beryl 9 - topaz 10 - chrysoprasus 11 - jacinth 12 - amethyst.
Ends with Gold, Revelation Chapter 21 18-21

15 The wall was constructed of jasper, while the city was pure gold, clear as glass.
The foundations of the city wall were decorated with every precious stone; the first course of stones was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald,
the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh hyacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.
The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made from a single pearl; and the street of the city was of pure gold, transparent as glass.
16 I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God almighty and the Lamb.

Plus: This odd story;

I'm not feeling well. No, no, I feel sick, sick.
"They've killed babies, THEY'RE USING GLUE!!"

I can't eat, I'm low. I'm praying they can sleep. They are begging in the streets, handing out pamphlets. Manna is like thin biscuits. They have an underground for writers, because the guns mysteriously disappeared, I can feel a whole breakdown, it rips up souls, and aches bones. It seems empty Levites are sure to light, only two more years. It's painful, pain, pain. I can't find a high. The printer broke. I have let the Amorelians choose light or fire, transmission; the fight of the tribes is god, light or fire, they've split in two. When we arrive everyone will feel well. We arrived in Hell, we hid. we fought fascists, the hebrew men god, it was a choice.
Hail! We are on lower heaven, the ninth level, why have we the gun? I am government on the real planet Earth, second in command, Planet Earth to an evil government, they call me Luther, von Teuton last night I had a trip, this occurred to me I hate this!! I am suits, I sit outside the white house, with a briefcase, the people in the mental hospital are, :LINDA: a white woman, quite posh definately god, planet Ezquitar, reincarnated, WHY???!! Now a woman on medication; JOHN: A man who cried we were spics,reincarnated . SATVINDER the Indian girl: An reincarnated Amorelian boy who cried we were Turks, Turks was never accepted by men of God, let you know that everything larsjewish house.

I'm seeing myself wearing a baggy suit, there is an angel wing emblem on my shoulder, a white star of david in my hand, and for some reason, a bright blue swastika floating in my teamug. When the Armaggeddon occurred in 1945, and yet again in 2005, the kitchen was the END, six of us were in the house, the street was mainly Pakistanis, there is a heightened fear, the skies outside are so grey, they looked like every wall is tinged with the nuclear, I peer out of the keyhole and see a white couple in the car, I believe they have just killed, they are in a hurry to get out, the UFO...and where we are walking in the living dead, and demon men disguised in humansouls.

We are in; Skymen..."Vark enola, evarla egrog..." The men that fell from the sky...In 1945, we were brought to an eleven, which means, America hit a height...

Planet Etok/evrog... Idiot! Turklands book Ezequitar, namer Luther, we are lower heaven 9th,

Luther is on Planet Evalner, resistance keep. Fair England coded by Lars, sent intergalactic...fought off 98 vrek men`, evalra sky-men, nazi myth about men who came down from the sky, blamed jews twice, dead, dead....Black sky is Luther, bring forth love hevaen, sleep in sky, ask why? Jesus (they call, white louis) Nazi's fold....Where were souls sent from Hell???

We 'vice' survived, everyman was dead. The people burned, the people survived, Demon Power, be God, SIX!!!! in the HOuse! How become five???, YOU WILL GO, YOU WILL LIE,



The first home is wine.-(If she's lemon! Home!)

Still crying-----AT----VOISCT HEISER.

Voisct heiser was bring us voice, they started too much to rely on everything I said...too insane...I hate the voisct heiser, it is led, the nazi's too like follow, things went wrong...code name....they said sky blue swasitka, funny happy, like;

"Ain't you a vart!!" "Seek me solly!" Luther!! We are grate the time, voisct heiser fline!!! (is flying)

how jews appear, what is on planet earth,

Planet luther men hath died, we are turn to night, this planet is called

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