everyman defied me, and every man hath died, i hath created a fire, and it is for the foul, everyman hath foul, and every man hath fall. We scream to have them, save. I am God, I will nay save. The church hath build, it has cried let me take you to god. you SEE THIS FIRE, IT IS GOD. i WILL DIE HERE. and WHEN i DIE, i WILL HEAR God, HE WILL SAY, PARDON YOU. why PARDON ME? BECAUSE, LIFE IS YOUR GOD. HAVEN'T WE FOUGHT LIFE? WE FOUGHT, AND IT BECAME GOD...WELCOME TO GOD.
The fire is a ball in the sky, it sees we men have fought, it sucks them into hell.(prayer, free men in god...we have free.)
I know I will die, because I kill.word of god:
We hath nay kill, the men fight, the men feel...they call you feel. You are only fight feel, learn to become god. "These men?
They have death, they have death.
The fire is in my hands! And the fire is signs!! We are so holy love!! They nay see what I want! I want to see love!! And by love, I mean wife!! Give me time, never call me from love, to the way, dogs bark at my door. The way they deny names...Saith the Lord, we wants God. They say; We prepare!! They have prepared a pathway to god, lock the door. I want alone. and I want peace. I know alone, it is Gods. I have taken a vow of thought. The thought is; "I want to call God, will this woman I meet give me everything???" She will give you fight, because you know LOW GOD!! She hath the tem,ple, let her prepare God. She was never taught, she knows, she says prayers, she makes rules. The rules to them, are to betray God, she is forthright, she says, marvel God, they are dog, they bark at her heel. We bite God, she screams...They are never bitten, they are torn. They tear his need. His need was forthright, it was; I lead, you god. She prizes Love, they are sword. She held sword, she wants fight. I say;
Let her fire! Let her sword! She says; You men are vile! I say men want god, but they never arrive. She hath arrived, solely....
Am I forgiven?
We forgive you.
Am I forgiven?
These men fall you, for, Love. Hani...Hani?
Am I forgiven? My Love? Can it higher?
You Love, is...King.
I hear screaming in my ears. Am I forgiven?
Every thought Jesus was wise!! Am I forgiven?
I need time to think. Your time is the skies!! Am I forgiven?
You are bitch.
Am I forgiven?
You are itch.
Am I forgiven, by God?
Am I forgiven?
Every man hath fall! KING!
Am I forgiven?
Everything you are forgiven, be a rock. The men? The men fouled, they called you, dog.
Crouching and Screaming
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